Sourcery (Discworld, #5; Rincewind #3)

Terry Pratchett
Harper • 2008

When last seen, the singularly inept wizard Rincewind had fallen off the edge of the world. Now magically, he's turned up again, and this time he's brought the Luggage.But that's not all....Once upon ...a time, there was an eighth son of an eighth son who was, of course, a wizard. As if that wasn't complicated enough, said wizard then had seven sons. And then he had an eighth son -- a wizard squared (that's all the math, really). Who of course, was a source of magic -- a sourcerer.

  • Počet strán: 276 strán
  • ISBN13:9780061020674
  • Ďalšie vydania: Čaroborci
  • Séria: Discworld

Len nedávno nám vydavateľstvo Slovart ponúklo druhú časť série Mestská stráž a už nás potešilo tretím pokračovaním Vetroplašových dobrodružstiev. Tento nedoštudovaný mág, magnet na problémy a tŕň v oku mnohých členov Neviditeľnej univerzity si rýchlo dokázal získať srdcia čitateľov svojou bezprostrednosťou a nadhľadom. Napokon, silná dávka humoru a spoločenskej satiry je typickým znakom[...]

When last seen, the singularly inept wizard Rincewind had fallen off the edge of the world. Now magically, he's turned up again, and this time he's brought the Luggage.

But that's not all....

Once upon a time, there was an eighth son of an eighth son who was, of course, a wizard. As if that wasn't complicated enough, said wizard then had seven sons. And then he had an eighth son -- a wizard squared (that's all the math, really). Who of course, was a source of magic -- a sourcerer.