The Last Century - The Return to Dimona

Jakub Filo
Jakub Filo • 2021

The Last Century – Return to Dimona takes place in 2076, following catastrophic events caused by the climate crisis. Part of the planet has become uninhabitable, forcing the remaining pockets of civil...ilization to fight for valuable resources and for their survival. One of such pockets is the League, or what has remained of the European Union, which sends its Alpha teams to uninhabitable territories. Their objective is to collect old technologies and research materials that could aid in finding solutions to climate change. We meet Alpha team members Major Robin Wells and Lieutenant Thess Reevie, an orphan raised in a military environment, as they stumble upon indications that a secret organization called the Malthusian Circle has infiltrated the very top echelon of the League’s leadership. Led by the ominous Highest Chancellor Rebeka Grubber, the Malthusian Circle hopes to solve the existing climate crisis by eliminating most of humanity. On top of that, Thess’ parents have played a crucial role in Grubber’s plan. The battle for the salvation of the human race has begun.

Jakub Filo si ako novinár denníka Sme, venujúci sa najprv vedecko-technologickej rubrike a neskôr aj politickému spravodajstvu či komentovaniu aktuálneho spoločenského diania, postupne našiel tematický prienik v problematike ochrany životného prostredia. Hoci v podcaste uvedeného média o klimatickej kríze, ktorý pripravuje spoločne s Katarínou Kozinkovou, spomína, že k environmentálnemu[...]

The Last Century – Return to Dimona takes place in 2076, following catastrophic events caused by the climate crisis. Part of the planet has become uninhabitable, forcing the remaining pockets of civilization to fight for valuable resources and for their survival. One of such pockets is the League, or what has remained of the European Union, which sends its Alpha teams to uninhabitable territories. Their objective is to collect old technologies and research materials that could aid in finding solutions to climate change. We meet Alpha team members Major Robin Wells and Lieutenant Thess Reevie, an orphan raised in a military environment, as they stumble upon indications that a secret organization called the Malthusian Circle has infiltrated the very top echelon of the League’s leadership. Led by the ominous Highest Chancellor Rebeka Grubber, the Malthusian Circle hopes to solve the existing climate crisis by eliminating most of humanity. On top of that, Thess’ parents have played a crucial role in Grubber’s plan. The battle for the salvation of the human race has begun.