
Tamara McKinley

Claire has left behind the harshness of life in the outback for college and a career in Sydney. Estranged from her family, she is about to take up a position at a prestigious veterinary practice when ...her Great Aunt Aurelia summons her home to the family cattle station in Queensland. Claire's relationship with her parents and sister has never been easy, and it is the reunion with her indomitable mother, Ellie, she dreads the most. But coming from a long line of Warratah women famed for their grit and substance, Claire knows better than to shy away from a fight.Ellie accepts that a reconciliation with her eldest daughter is long overdue. But to do so will mean she must face her own ghosts and reveal some of Warratah's more shameful secrets. She only hopes her family is strong enough to survive the coming storm.

  • Počet strán: 480 strán
  • ISBN13:9780312307509
  • Ďalšie vydania: Dcéry vetra

V poslednom čase mám akési šťastie na romány, ktoré sa odohrávajú v Austrálii. Toto prostredie je aj v románe Dcéry vetra, do ktorého som sa po dlhšom čase na poličke pustila. Autorka Tamara McKinley má k tejto krajine veľmi blízko. Mňa zaujala nielen anotácia, ale aj prekrásna obálka. Mladá veterinárka Claire sa vracia zo Sydney … Čítať ďalej Dcéry vetra (Tamara McKinley)

Tamara McKinley je dôkazom, že svoje korene si nesieme všade so sebou, a rovnako v sebe uchovávame odkazy starších generácií. Táto rodáčka z Tasmánie sa totiž síce kvôli štúdiu presťahovala do Anglicka, no vďaka príbuzným a vlastným spomienkam na Austráliu nezabudla na svoju domovinu a výsledkom sú úžasné romány prevažne zasadené práve do krajiny protinožcov. Dcéry vetra sú typickým[...]

Claire has left behind the harshness of life in the outback for college and a career in Sydney. Estranged from her family, she is about to take up a position at a prestigious veterinary practice when her Great Aunt Aurelia summons her home to the family cattle station in Queensland. Claire's relationship with her parents and sister has never been easy, and it is the reunion with her indomitable mother, Ellie, she dreads the most. But coming from a long line of Warratah women famed for their grit and substance, Claire knows better than to shy away from a fight.

Ellie accepts that a reconciliation with her eldest daughter is long overdue. But to do so will mean she must face her own ghosts and reveal some of Warratah's more shameful secrets. She only hopes her family is strong enough to survive the coming storm.