The Shadows

Alex North
Celadon Books • 2020

You knew a teenager like Charlie Crabtree. A dark imagination, a sinister smile--always on the outside of the group. Some part of you suspected he might be capable of doing something awful. Twenty-fiv...e years ago, Crabtree did just that, committing a murder so shocking that it’s attracted that strange kind of infamy that only exists on the darkest corners of the internet--and inspired more than one copycat.Paul Adams remembers the case all too well: Crabtree--and his victim--were Paul’s friends. Paul has slowly put his life back together. But now his mother, old and senile, has taken a turn for the worse. Though every inch of him resists, it is time to come home.It's not long before things start to go wrong. Reading the news, Paul learns another copycat has struck. His mother is distressed, insistent that there's something in the house. And someone is following him. Which reminds him of the most unsettling thing about that awful day twenty-five years ago.It wasn't just the murder.It was the fact that afterward, Charlie Crabtree was never seen again...The haunting new thriller from Alex North, author of the New York Times bestseller The Whisper Man.

Anglický spisovateľ Alex North prichádza s druhým krimirománom a očakávania čitateľov sú po predchádzajúcom Šepkárovi značne vysoké. Aj ja som patril k tým, ktorých potešilo ohlásenie novej knihy v slovenčine a nevedeli sa dočkať, kedy ju budú držať v rukách. Temný priateľ je opäť samostatným príbehom bez príslušnosti k sérii, takže po ňom môžete siahnuť aj v prípade, že ste sa s autorom[...]

Keď ste mladí, neuvedomujete si následky svojich činov. Všetko beriete ľahkovážne. Až po rokoch si spomeniete, aké bolo vaše konanie hlúpe, a radi by ste prepísali svoju minulosť. Paulova sa však vymazať nedá. Pred dvadsiatimi piatimi rokmi zomrel človek a hlavného protagonistu to prenasleduje doteraz. Poznal obeť a aj páchateľa.Zo všetkých síl sa snažil uniknúť pred starými démonmi, no[...]

You knew a teenager like Charlie Crabtree. A dark imagination, a sinister smile--always on the outside of the group. Some part of you suspected he might be capable of doing something awful. Twenty-five years ago, Crabtree did just that, committing a murder so shocking that it’s attracted that strange kind of infamy that only exists on the darkest corners of the internet--and inspired more than one copycat.

Paul Adams remembers the case all too well: Crabtree--and his victim--were Paul’s friends. Paul has slowly put his life back together. But now his mother, old and senile, has taken a turn for the worse. Though every inch of him resists, it is time to come home.

It's not long before things start to go wrong. Reading the news, Paul learns another copycat has struck. His mother is distressed, insistent that there's something in the house. And someone is following him. Which reminds him of the most unsettling thing about that awful day twenty-five years ago.

It wasn't just the murder.

It was the fact that afterward, Charlie Crabtree was never seen again...

The haunting new thriller from Alex North, author of the New York Times bestseller The Whisper Man.