White Rose, Black Forest

Eoin Dempsey

In the shadows of World War II, trust becomes the greatest risk of all for two strangers.December 1943. In the years before the rise of Hitler, the Gerber family’s summer cottage was filled with laugh...ghter. Now, as deep drifts of snow blanket the Black Forest, German dissenter Franka Gerber is alone and hopeless. Fervor and brutality have swept through her homeland, taking away both her father and her brother and leaving her with no reason to live.That is, until she discovers an unconscious airman lying in the snow wearing a Luftwaffe uniform, his parachute flapping in the wind. Unwilling to let him die, Franka takes him to her family’s isolated cabin despite her hatred for the regime he represents. But when it turns out that he is not who he seems, Franka begins a race against time to unravel the mystery of the airman’s true identity. Their tenuous bond becomes as inseparable as it is dangerous. Hunted by the Gestapo, can they trust each other enough to join forces on a mission that could change the face of the war and their own lives forever?

Pretože nacisti si uvedomujú, že ich skutočný nepriateľ je človek s nezávislým myslením, ozajstný nemecký vlastenec, ktorý spochybňuje ich správanie a dvíha hlas proti neprávostiam, čo páchajú.  (Biela ruža, Čierny les: Eoin Dempsey; Preklad: Beata Horná) Píše sa rok 1943. Pred nástupom Hitlera k moci bola horská chata rodiny Gerberovcov miestom radosti a rodinnej pohody. Teraz, keď[...]

Niekoľko rokov sa aj u nás vyskytuje trend oživovania príbehov z čias druhej svetovej vojny. Tragické osudy dokážu zasiahnuť širokú škálu čitateľov, či už sú postavené na reálnych základoch alebo fantázii spisovateľov. Väčšinou si zakladajú na hrôzach, akých boli (sú) schopní dopustiť sa fanatici na bezbranných obetiach v koncentračných táboroch. Občas sa však vyskytne dielo, ktoré si razí[...]

Biela ruža, Čierny les je veľmi poetický, ale zároveň výstižný názov knihy od Eoina Dempseyho. Pred časom ma vo veľkom „bombardovala“ z českých knižných účtov. Mňa však zaujala okrem iného aj tým, že ide o tému druhej svetovej vojny. Oplatí sa po nej siahnuť? Je rok 1943, Hitler ovláda Nemecko a zúri vojna. Franka Gerberová už kvôli vojne … Čítať ďalej Biela ruža, Čierny les (Eoin Dempsey)

In the shadows of World War II, trust becomes the greatest risk of all for two strangers.

December 1943. In the years before the rise of Hitler, the Gerber family’s summer cottage was filled with laughter. Now, as deep drifts of snow blanket the Black Forest, German dissenter Franka Gerber is alone and hopeless. Fervor and brutality have swept through her homeland, taking away both her father and her brother and leaving her with no reason to live.

That is, until she discovers an unconscious airman lying in the snow wearing a Luftwaffe uniform, his parachute flapping in the wind. Unwilling to let him die, Franka takes him to her family’s isolated cabin despite her hatred for the regime he represents. But when it turns out that he is not who he seems, Franka begins a race against time to unravel the mystery of the airman’s true identity. Their tenuous bond becomes as inseparable as it is dangerous. Hunted by the Gestapo, can they trust each other enough to join forces on a mission that could change the face of the war and their own lives forever?