The Bookseller of Kabul

Åsne Seierstad (Ingrid Christopherson)

In spring 2002, following the fall of the Taliban, Åsne Seierstad spent four months living with a bookseller and his family in Kabul.For more than twenty years Sultan Khan defied the authorities—be th... they communist or Taliban—to supply books to the people of Kabul. He was arrested, interrogated and imprisoned by the communists, and watched illiterate Taliban soldiers burn piles of his books in the street. He even resorted to hiding most of his stock—almost ten thousand books—in attics all over Kabul.But while Khan is passionate in his love of books and his hatred of censorship, he also has strict views on family life and the role of women. As an outsider, Åsne Seierstad found herself in a unique position, able to move freely between the private, restricted sphere of the women—including Khan’s two wives—and the freer, more public lives of the men.It is an experience that Seierstad finds both fascinating and frustrating. As she steps back from the page and allows the Khans to speak for themselves, we learn of proposals and marriages, hope and fear, crime and punishment. The result is a genuinely gripping and moving portrait of a family, and a clear-eyed assessment of a country struggling to free itself from history.' to 'This mesmerizing portrait of a proud man who, through three decades and successive repressive regimes, heroically braved persecution to bring books to the people of Kabul has elicited extraordinary praise throughout the world and become a phenomenal international bestseller. The Bookseller of Kabul is startling in its intimacy and its details—a revelation of the plight of Afghan women and a window into the surprising realities of daily life in today’s Afghanistan.'

Afganistan. Krajina, o ktorej sa rozpráva posledné desaťročia len v kontexte smrti, vojny, terorizmu a islamských radikálov. Už samotný názov krajiny v človeku akosi podvedome vyvoláva pocit strachu a stiesnenia. Asi máloktorý človek z Európy túži ocitnúť sa v tejto krajine. Stano (autor) Rodený Prešovčan, vyrastajúci v podhorí Čergova s neprekonateľnou túžbou tráviť čo najviac času v[...]

Åsne Seierstad je nórska spisovateľka a reportérka, známa najmä reportážami z vojnových zón. Dva týždne po teroristických útokoch 11. septembra 2001 odišla do Afganistanu, kde strávila šesť týždňov s veliteľmi Severnej aliancie. Sledovala ofenzívu proti Talibanu a po jeho zvrhnutí sa presunula do Kábulu. V jednom kníhkupectve stretla elegantného šedivého chlapíka menom Sultán Chán a kúpila[...]

Nórska spisovateľka a novinárka Åsne Seierstadová si pre svoju reportážnu tvorbu vyberá náročné a kontroverzné témy. Ak k tomu pridáme schopnosť pútavo a zaujímavo písať, tak vznikne kniha, ktorú neodložíte pred jej koncom.

In spring 2002, following the fall of the Taliban, Åsne Seierstad spent four months living with a bookseller and his family in Kabul.

For more than twenty years Sultan Khan defied the authorities—be they communist or Taliban—to supply books to the people of Kabul. He was arrested, interrogated and imprisoned by the communists, and watched illiterate Taliban soldiers burn piles of his books in the street. He even resorted to hiding most of his stock—almost ten thousand books—in attics all over Kabul.

But while Khan is passionate in his love of books and his hatred of censorship, he also has strict views on family life and the role of women. As an outsider, Åsne Seierstad found herself in a unique position, able to move freely between the private, restricted sphere of the women—including Khan’s two wives—and the freer, more public lives of the men.

It is an experience that Seierstad finds both fascinating and frustrating. As she steps back from the page and allows the Khans to speak for themselves, we learn of proposals and marriages, hope and fear, crime and punishment. The result is a genuinely gripping and moving portrait of a family, and a clear-eyed assessment of a country struggling to free itself from history.' to 'This mesmerizing portrait of a proud man who, through three decades and successive repressive regimes, heroically braved persecution to bring books to the people of Kabul has elicited extraordinary praise throughout the world and become a phenomenal international bestseller. The Bookseller of Kabul is startling in its intimacy and its details—a revelation of the plight of Afghan women and a window into the surprising realities of daily life in today’s Afghanistan.'