The Beekeeper of Aleppo

Christy Lefteri
Ballantine Books • 2019

The unforgettable love story of a mother blinded by loss and her husband who insists on their survival as they undertake the Syrian refugee trail to Europe.Nuri is a beekeeper; his wife, Afra, an They live a simple life, rich in family and friends, in the beautiful Syrian city of Aleppo--until the unthinkable happens. When all they care for is destroyed by war, they are forced to escape. But what Afra has seen is so terrible she has gone blind, and so they must embark on a perilous journey through Turkey and Greece towards an uncertain future in Britain. On the way, Nuri is sustained by the knowledge that waiting for them is Mustafa, his cousin and business partner, who has started an apiary and is teaching fellow refugees in Yorkshire to keep bees.As Nuri and Afra travel through a broken world, they must confront not only the pain of their own unspeakable loss, but dangers that would overwhelm the bravest of souls. Above all, they must journey to find each other again.Moving, powerful, compassionate, and beautifully written, The Beekeeper of Aleppo is a testament to the triumph of the human spirit. It is the kind of book that reminds us of the power of storytelling.

Pri vydavateľstve Tatran som si zvykla, že nám prinášajú knihy so silnými ľudskými osudmi. Či už sú skutočné alebo vymyslené. Tak ako aj Včelár z Aleppa od Christy Lefteri. Táto kniha vás uchváti svojou dokonalou obálkou a v neposlednom rade aj anotáciou. Sýrske mesto Aleppo bývalo zaliate slnkom a ulice boli plné života. Takýto život si užívali aj Afra … Čítať ďalej Včelár z Aleppa[...]

Situácia ohľadom utečencov v posledných mesiacoch ustúpila vplyvom koronavírusu do úzadia, ale zato nie je o nič menej naliehavá či aktuálna. Román Christy Lefteri tak vychádza v pravom čase, aby nám nielen pripomenul potrebu riešenia problému, ale zároveň priblížil dané okolnosti na príbehu konkrétnej rodiny. Vágne mediálne titulky sa tak menia na skutočné osoby z mäsa a kostí a majú väčšiu[...]

Nádherná fikcia, ktorá má korene v pravde.Včelár Nuri miluje svoje rodné mesto Aleppo, včely, no hlavne svojich najbližších. Rodinnú pohodu naruší nepredstaviteľné zlo, ktoré sa vkradne do jeho pokojného života, a plánuje mu zobrať všetku nádej a radosť. Krv cítiť aj na uliciach. Pach strachu sa vryl každému pod kožu. Buď ujdeš, alebo ťa zabijú. Všetci to už pochopili, ale Nuri a jeho[...]

The unforgettable love story of a mother blinded by loss and her husband who insists on their survival as they undertake the Syrian refugee trail to Europe.

Nuri is a beekeeper; his wife, Afra, an artist. They live a simple life, rich in family and friends, in the beautiful Syrian city of Aleppo--until the unthinkable happens. When all they care for is destroyed by war, they are forced to escape. But what Afra has seen is so terrible she has gone blind, and so they must embark on a perilous journey through Turkey and Greece towards an uncertain future in Britain. On the way, Nuri is sustained by the knowledge that waiting for them is Mustafa, his cousin and business partner, who has started an apiary and is teaching fellow refugees in Yorkshire to keep bees.

As Nuri and Afra travel through a broken world, they must confront not only the pain of their own unspeakable loss, but dangers that would overwhelm the bravest of souls. Above all, they must journey to find each other again.

Moving, powerful, compassionate, and beautifully written, The Beekeeper of Aleppo is a testament to the triumph of the human spirit. It is the kind of book that reminds us of the power of storytelling.