A Question Mark Is Half a Heart

Sofia Lundberg
Mariner Books • 2021

From the author of The Red Address Book, Sofia Lundberg, comes a captivating story about overcoming shame and guilt, about finding oneself and the truth—and in doing so, learning how to love.Elin has ...as the perfect life. A successful photographer, she lives in New York with her husband Sam and their seventeen-year-old daughter, Alice.But something has always been missing…When Elin receives a letter from her childhood friend Fredrik on the Swedish island of Gotland, memories come flooding back: of a past she has tried to forget, and a terrible secret she has shared with nobody - a secret that made her flee the island, and never return.Torn between past and present and afraid the truth will destroy her family, Elin sets out on a journey to another continent, but also to another time and another life.

Aj cesta späť môže byť krokom vpred Snažila sa zabudnúť. Snažila sa uniknúť a zabudnúť na život, ktorý žila predtým.... The post Sofia Lundbergová – Otáznik je polovica srdca appeared first on MojeKnihy.

Aj cesta späť môže byť krokom vpred Snažila sa zabudnúť. Snažila sa uniknúť a zabudnúť na život, ktorý žila predtým.... The post Sofia Lundbergová – Otáznik je polovica srdca appeared first on MojeKnihy.

Sú knihy, ktoré sú propagované vo veľkom štýle a sú aj knihy, ktoré si málokto všimne. Otáznik je polovica srdca od Sofie Lundbergovej by som zaradila do tej menej propagovanej kategórie. Som preto rada, že vám ju môžem predstaviť. Elin je úspešná fotografka, ktorá žije v New Yorku. Žije so svojím manželom Samom. Ich dcéra Alice sa … Čítať ďalej Otáznik je polovica srdca (Sofia Lundbergová)

Tajomstvá sú neodmysliteľnou súčasťou nášho života. Chránime nimi svojich blízkych, rodinu či priateľov, no niekedy aj samého seba. Ľahko sa ale môže stať, že sa do tajomstiev zamotáte. Až do takej miery, že vlastne neviete, ktoré z nich sú skutočné. A ktoré z nich vás môžu zničiť. Elin Boalsová pracuje ako úspešná fotografka a s manželom Samom vychováva sedemnásťročnú dcéru Alice.[...]

From the author of The Red Address Book, Sofia Lundberg, comes a captivating story about overcoming shame and guilt, about finding oneself and the truth—and in doing so, learning how to love.

Elin has the perfect life. A successful photographer, she lives in New York with her husband Sam and their seventeen-year-old daughter, Alice.
But something has always been missing…

When Elin receives a letter from her childhood friend Fredrik on the Swedish island of Gotland, memories come flooding back: of a past she has tried to forget, and a terrible secret she has shared with nobody - a secret that made her flee the island, and never return.

Torn between past and present and afraid the truth will destroy her family, Elin sets out on a journey to another continent, but also to another time and another life.