The Face of the Waters

Robert Silverberg

Silverberg, winner of four Hugos and five Nebulas, presents a riveting tale of an epic voyage of survival in a hostile environment. On the watery world of Hydros, humans live on artificial islands and... keep an uneasy peace with the native race of amphibians. When a group of humans angers their alien hosts, they are exiled--set adrift on the planet's vast and violent sea.

  • Počet strán: 464 strán
  • ISBN13:9780553299076
  • Ďalšie vydania: Tvář vod

„I urobil Boh oblohu a oddelil vody, ktoré boli pod oblohou, od vôd, ktoré boli nad oblohou.“ Tak čítame v knihe Genezis o druhom Stvoriteľovom dni. V tretí deň vody oddelil od súše, na štvrtý ich osvetlil hviezdami, na piaty zase osídlil životom. A teraz si predstavme, žeby tu Boh akt stvorenia ukončil, a deň … Pokračovať v čítaní "Tvář vod alebo dvadsaťtisíc míľ nad morom" The post Tvář vod[...]

Silverberg, winner of four Hugos and five Nebulas, presents a riveting tale of an epic voyage of survival in a hostile environment. On the watery world of Hydros, humans live on artificial islands and keep an uneasy peace with the native race of amphibians. When a group of humans angers their alien hosts, they are exiled--set adrift on the planet's vast and violent sea.