The Good Sister

Sally Hepworth

Sally Hepworth, the author of The Mother-In-Law delivers a knock-out of a novel about the lies that bind two sisters in The Good Sister.There's only been one time that Rose couldn't stop me from doing... the wrong thing and that was a mistake that will haunt me for the rest of my life.Fern Castle works in her local library. She has dinner with her twin sister Rose three nights a week. And she avoids crowds, bright lights and loud noises as much as possible. Fern has a carefully structured life and disrupting her routine can be...dangerous.When Rose discovers that she cannot get pregnant, Fern sees her chance to pay her sister back for everything Rose has done for her. Fern can have a baby for Rose. She just needs to find a father. Simple.Fern's mission will shake the foundations of the life she has carefully built for herself and stir up dark secrets from the past, in this quirky, rich and shocking story of what families keep hidden.

  • Počet strán: 309 strán
  • ISBN13:9781250120953
  • Ďalšie vydania: Dobrá sestra

Sally Hepworthová bola pre mňa dosiaľ neznámym menom, no už viem, že ak sa v edičnom pláne vydavateľstva Tatran objaví aj jej ďalší titul, neujde mojej pozornosti. Vzhľadom na anotáciu som sa nazdával, že pôjde o klasický domestic triler, zameraný na temné rodinné tajomstvá, ktoré len čakajú na prebudenie. Samozrejme, Dobrá sestra disponuje aj týmto prvkom, no okrem toho ponúka aj výraznú[...]

Za knihu ďakujem vydavateľstvu Tatran ♥ Fern Castlová pracuje v miestnej knižnici. Vyhýba sa davom, jasným svetlám a silným hlukom, kedykoľvek je to možné. Fern má dôsledne organizovaný život a zmena režimu môže mať nebezpečné následky. Keď Rose zistí, že nemôže otehotnieť, Fern to vidí ako šancu odvďačiť sa svojej sestre za všetko, čo pre ňu robí. Fern jej môže darovať[...]

Sally Hepworth, the author of The Mother-In-Law delivers a knock-out of a novel about the lies that bind two sisters in The Good Sister.

There's only been one time that Rose couldn't stop me from doing the wrong thing and that was a mistake that will haunt me for the rest of my life.

Fern Castle works in her local library. She has dinner with her twin sister Rose three nights a week. And she avoids crowds, bright lights and loud noises as much as possible. Fern has a carefully structured life and disrupting her routine can be...dangerous.

When Rose discovers that she cannot get pregnant, Fern sees her chance to pay her sister back for everything Rose has done for her. Fern can have a baby for Rose. She just needs to find a father. Simple.

Fern's mission will shake the foundations of the life she has carefully built for herself and stir up dark secrets from the past, in this quirky, rich and shocking story of what families keep hidden.