The Lavender Garden

Lucinda Riley
Atria Books • 2013

An aristocratic French family, a legendary château, and buried secrets with the power to destroy two generations torn between duty and desire.La Côte d’Azur, 1998: In the sun-dappled south of France, ...ce, Emilie de la Martinières, the last of her gilded line, inherits her childhood home, a magnificent château and vineyard. With the property comes a mountain of debt—and almost as many questions . . .Paris, 1944: A bright, young British office clerk, Constance Carruthers, is sent undercover to Paris to be part of Churchill’s Special Operations Executive during the climax of the Nazi occupation. Separated from her contacts in the Resistance, she soon stumbles into the heart of a prominent family who regularly entertain elite members of the German military even as they plot to liberate France. But in a city rife with collaborators and rebels, Constance’s most difficult decision may be determining whom to trust with her heart.As Emilie discovers what really happened to her family during the war and finds a connection to Constance much closer than she suspects, the château itself may provide the clues that unlock the mysteries of her past, present, and future. Here is a dazzling novel of intrigue and passion from one of the world’s most beloved storytellers.Note to readers: In the UK, this book is published under the title The Light Behind the Window.

Za knihu ďakujem vydavateľstvu Tatran ♥ Aristokratická francúzska rodina, legendárny zámok v Provensálsku a skryté tajomstvá, ktoré ničia dve generácie, zmietané medzi povinnosťou a túžbou. Ako je u Lucindy Rileyovej zvykom, príbeh je vyrozprávaný v dvoch časových rovinách, ktoré sú navzájom majstrovsky skĺbené. Striedanie súčasnosti a minulosti len zvyšuje napätie románu.Lucindu[...]

Hoci írska spisovateľka Lucinda Rileyová podľahla vlani rakovine, prostredníctvom svojich literárnych diel žije ďalej. Na Slovensku udržiava jej status vydavateľstvo Tatran, ktoré priebežne okrem dominantnej série Sedem sestier siaha aj po samostatných románoch zachovávajúcich si autorkin typický štýl. Medzi ne patrí aj Levanduľová záhrada, na stránkach ktorej opäť natrafíte na prelínanie[...]

Tak, ako je Agatha Christie kráľovnou detektívok, Lucinda Riley je pre mňa kráľovná románov. Nedávno vo vydavateľstve Tatran vyšla LevanduľováContinue Reading

An aristocratic French family, a legendary château, and buried secrets with the power to destroy two generations torn between duty and desire.

La Côte d’Azur, 1998: In the sun-dappled south of France, Emilie de la Martinières, the last of her gilded line, inherits her childhood home, a magnificent château and vineyard. With the property comes a mountain of debt—and almost as many questions . . .

Paris, 1944: A bright, young British office clerk, Constance Carruthers, is sent undercover to Paris to be part of Churchill’s Special Operations Executive during the climax of the Nazi occupation. Separated from her contacts in the Resistance, she soon stumbles into the heart of a prominent family who regularly entertain elite members of the German military even as they plot to liberate France. But in a city rife with collaborators and rebels, Constance’s most difficult decision may be determining whom to trust with her heart.

As Emilie discovers what really happened to her family during the war and finds a connection to Constance much closer than she suspects, the château itself may provide the clues that unlock the mysteries of her past, present, and future. Here is a dazzling novel of intrigue and passion from one of the world’s most beloved storytellers.

Note to readers: In the UK, this book is published under the title The Light Behind the Window.