The Retreat (Detective Elin Warner, #2)

Sarah Pearse

From the New York Times bestselling author of The Sanatorium, a Reese’s Book Club Pick, detective Elin Warner’s second outing, as she uncovers the truth behind the suspicious deaths on a stunning isla...island getaway.Most are here to recharge and refresh. But someone's here for revenge. . .An eco-wellness retreat has opened on an island off the English coast, promising rest and relaxation—but the island itself, known locally as Reaper’s Rock, has a dark past. Once the playground of a serial killer, it’s rumored to be cursed. Detective Elin Warner is called to the retreat when a young woman’s body is found on the rocks below the yoga pavilion in what seems to be a tragic fall. But the victim wasn’t a guest—she wasn’t meant to be on the island at all. When a guest drowns in a diving incident the following day, Elin starts to suspect that there’s nothing accidental about these deaths. But why would someone target the guests, and who else is in danger? Elin must find the killer—before the island’s history starts to repeat itself . . .

Sumár recenzie
Na stránke som našla recenziu na knihu, ktorá ma zaujala svojím svojráznym príbehom. Recenzent vyzdvihuje súčasnú tému, ktorá je v knihe spracovaná dojemne a uvážlivo. Rozoberá postavy a ich psychológiu, čo prispieva k autenticite príbehu. Recenzia je dobre napísaná a hodnotí knihu pozitívne, **čo dáva tušiť, že by som si ju mohol(a) tiež prečítať**.

Sumár recenzie
Kniha "Ostrov" od Sarah Pearse neponúka očakávaný relax a oddych, pretože hlavní hrdinovia sú konfrontovaní s mnohými vraždami a zločinmi. Recenzent zdôrazňuje, že kniha je napínavá a plná prekvapení a pútavým spôsobom zachytáva psychológiu postáv.

From the New York Times bestselling author of The Sanatorium, a Reese’s Book Club Pick, detective Elin Warner’s second outing, as she uncovers the truth behind the suspicious deaths on a stunning island getaway.

Most are here to recharge and refresh. But someone's here for revenge. . .

An eco-wellness retreat has opened on an island off the English coast, promising rest and relaxation—but the island itself, known locally as Reaper’s Rock, has a dark past. Once the playground of a serial killer, it’s rumored to be cursed.

Detective Elin Warner is called to the retreat when a young woman’s body is found on the rocks below the yoga pavilion in what seems to be a tragic fall. But the victim wasn’t a guest—she wasn’t meant to be on the island at all.

When a guest drowns in a diving incident the following day, Elin starts to suspect that there’s nothing accidental about these deaths. But why would someone target the guests, and who else is in danger?

Elin must find the killer—before the island’s history starts to repeat itself . . .