Small Inventions That Made a Big Difference

Helen Pilcher

Pockets, matches, spectacles, postage stamps.Whether it's the stitches that hold our clothes together or the syringes that deliver life-saving vaccines, small things really do make a big difference. these modest but essential components of everyday life are often overlooked.Science and comedy writer Helen Pilcher shares the unexpected stories of 50 humble innovations - from the accidental soldering of two bits of metal that created the pacemaker, to the eighteenth-century sea captain whose ingenious invention paved the way for the filming of Star Wars - and celebrates the joy of the small yet mighty.

Sumár recenzie
Stránka obsahuje recenziu na knihu, kde sa diskutuje o rôznych malých vynálezoch, ktoré zmenili svet. Recenzent zdôrazňuje, že kniha je dobre napísaná a pútavá, so zaujímavými faktami a príbehmi. Vyzdvihuje tiež humor autora a jeho schopnosť sprístupniť komplexné témy pre bežných ľudí. Celkovo hodnotí knihu pozitívne a odporúča ju pre všetkých, ktorí sú zvedaví na neznáme objavy a inovácie. Táto kniha je vynikajúca vo svojej jednoduchosti a vzrušujúcom pohľade na svet vedy a technológie.

Pockets, matches, spectacles, postage stamps.

Whether it's the stitches that hold our clothes together or the syringes that deliver life-saving vaccines, small things really do make a big difference. Yet these modest but essential components of everyday life are often overlooked.

Science and comedy writer Helen Pilcher shares the unexpected stories of 50 humble innovations - from the accidental soldering of two bits of metal that created the pacemaker, to the eighteenth-century sea captain whose ingenious invention paved the way for the filming of Star Wars - and celebrates the joy of the small yet mighty.