Christmas Is Coming: Traditions from Around the World

Monika Utnik-Strugała (Ewa Poklewska-Koziełło)

The perfect book for long wintery evenings—not just under the Christmas tree!  Why do we decorate Christmas trees? Do all children receive gifts on the same day? Come find out as Monika Utnik-Strugal...trugala captures the smells, tastes, and unforgettable traditions about the most popular, exciting, contemplative, and unqiue Christmas customs and legends from around the world. Find out why celebrate Christmas on December 25th, who invented the first glass ornament, why people build nativity scenes, and more! A truly international collection of legends and traditions are included in the volume such as -  Glögg, Kutia, Lutefisk, Jansson's Temptation, Julskinka, Bûche de Noël, Hallaca, Kourabiedes, Christmas Pudding, Panettone, Christmas carols, talking animals, and The Nutcracker! With the atmospheric illustrations by Ewa Poklewska-Koziello, this is an ideal companion for the Christmas season.

  • Počet strán: strán
  • ISBN13:9780735844438
  • Ďalšie vydania: Idú Vianoce

Sumár recenzie
Vianoce sú najobľúbenejší detský sviatok, kedy sa stretne celá rodina v magickom prostredí so svetlami a snehom. Kniha "Idú Vianoce" ponúka vysvetlenie a históriu vianočných sviatkov. Kapitoly sú usporiadané chronologicky a zahrňujú tradície z rôznych krajín, vianočné stromčeky, Mikuláša, Santa Clausa, betlehemy, koledy, vianočné filmy a jedlá. Kniha obsahuje aj informácie o iných sviatkoch, ako je čínske Nové rok a židovský sviatok Chanuka. Ilustrácie od Ewy Poklewskej-Koziełł sú nádherné. Celkovo je kniha vhodná na čítanie s deťmi vo veku 6 - 14 rokov. HODNOTENIE: 9/10.

The perfect book for long wintery evenings—not just under the Christmas tree!

Why do we decorate Christmas trees? Do all children receive gifts on the same day?

Come find out as Monika Utnik-Strugala captures the smells, tastes, and unforgettable traditions about the most popular, exciting, contemplative, and unqiue Christmas customs and legends from around the world. Find out why celebrate Christmas on December 25th, who invented the first glass ornament, why people build nativity scenes, and more!

A truly international collection of legends and traditions are included in the volume such as -  Glögg, Kutia, Lutefisk, Jansson's Temptation, Julskinka, Bûche de Noël, Hallaca, Kourabiedes, Christmas Pudding, Panettone, Christmas carols, talking animals, and The Nutcracker!

With the atmospheric illustrations by Ewa Poklewska-Koziello, this is an ideal companion for the Christmas season.