The House with the Golden Door (Wolf Den Trilogy, #2)

Elodie Harper

The life of a courtesan in Pompeii is glittering, yet precarious...Amara has escaped her life as a slave in the town's most notorious brothel, but now her existence depends on the affections of her pa...tron: a man she might not know as well as she once thought.At night she dreams of the wolf den, still haunted by her past. Amara longs for the women she was forced to leave behind and worse, finds herself pursued by the man who once owned her. In order to be free, she will need to be as ruthless as he is.Amara knows her existence in Pompeii is subject to Venus, the goddess of love. Yet finding love may prove to be the most dangerous act of all.We return to Pompeii for the second instalment in Elodie Harper's Wolf Den Trilogy, set in the town's lupanar and reimagining the lives of women long overlooked.

Sumár recenzie
V románe "Dom so zlatými dverami" Amara musí čeliť ťažkostiam svojho nového života ako slobodná žena a závisieť od svojho patróna. Príbeh sa pomaly rozbieha, ale čitateľa okúzľuje štýlom písania a prostredím. Charaktery a postavy sú významnými aspektmi knihy, hoci niektoré akcie hlavnej hrdinky môžu byť prekvapivé. Romantická linka sa však čitateľovi nepodarila naplniť, ale postava Félixa je fascinujúca. Celkovo kniha neopantala toľko ako prvý diel série, ale čitateľa stále láka ďalšie pokračovanie.

Sumár recenzie
Sumár: Druhý diel série The Wolf Den Trilogy s názvom The House With the Golden Door pokračuje v príbehu Amare, ktorá sa snaží uniknúť osudu otrokyne a dosiahnuť slobodu. Súboj so svojou minulosťou ju privádza k hľadaniu lásky a boju za nezávislosť, v prostredí pompejského nevestinca. Vďaka autorkinmu skvelému štýlu a realistickým postavám, sa jedná o zaujímavý historický román plný napätia.

The life of a courtesan in Pompeii is glittering, yet precarious...
Amara has escaped her life as a slave in the town's most notorious brothel, but now her existence depends on the affections of her patron: a man she might not know as well as she once thought.

At night she dreams of the wolf den, still haunted by her past. Amara longs for the women she was forced to leave behind and worse, finds herself pursued by the man who once owned her. In order to be free, she will need to be as ruthless as he is.

Amara knows her existence in Pompeii is subject to Venus, the goddess of love. Yet finding love may prove to be the most dangerous act of all.

We return to Pompeii for the second instalment in Elodie Harper's Wolf Den Trilogy, set in the town's lupanar and reimagining the lives of women long overlooked.