The Twyford Code

Janice Hallett

It's time to solve the murder of the century...Forty years ago, Steven Smith found a copy of a famous children's book, its margins full of strange markings and annotations. He took it to his remedial ...English teacher, Miss Isles, who became convinced it was the key to solving a puzzle. That a message in secret code ran through all Edith Twyford's novels. Then Miss Isles disappeared on a class field trip, and Steven's memory won't allow him to remember what happened. Now, out of prison after a long stretch, Steven decides to investigate the mystery that has haunted him for decades. Was Miss Isles murdered? Was she deluded? Or was she right about the code? And is it still in use today? Desperate to recover his memories and find out what really happened to Miss Isles, Steven revisits the people and places of his childhood. But it soon becomes clear that Edith Twyford wasn't just a writer of forgotten children's stories. The Twyford Code has great power, and he isn't the only one trying to solve it...

  • Počet strán: strán
  • ISBN13:9781788165327
  • Ďalšie vydania: Tajný kód

Sumár recenzie
V knihe "Tajný kód" od autorky Janice Hallett sa bývalý trestanec Steven Smith po siedmich rokoch prepustenia z väzenia rozhodne rozlúštiť tajný kód ukrytý v detskej knihe, ktorú objavil ako chlapec. Sleduje stopovanie disappears učiteľky slečny Ilesovej, no objavuje nielen jej osud, ale aj vlastný príbeh a tajomstvá z minulosti. Avšak, niektorí ľudia sú ochotní pre tento kód aj zabíjať. Moje hodnotenie knihy je že, aj keď s príbehom a postavami som sa nevedela dokonale stotožniť, autorka vytvorila originálny zážitok pre čitateľa prostredníctvom prepisov hlasových správ s nejasnými slovami a tajomnými rečami.

It's time to solve the murder of the century...

Forty years ago, Steven Smith found a copy of a famous children's book, its margins full of strange markings and annotations. He took it to his remedial English teacher, Miss Isles, who became convinced it was the key to solving a puzzle. That a message in secret code ran through all Edith Twyford's novels. Then Miss Isles disappeared on a class field trip, and Steven's memory won't allow him to remember what happened. Now, out of prison after a long stretch, Steven decides to investigate the mystery that has haunted him for decades. Was Miss Isles murdered? Was she deluded? Or was she right about the code? And is it still in use today? Desperate to recover his memories and find out what really happened to Miss Isles, Steven revisits the people and places of his childhood. But it soon becomes clear that Edith Twyford wasn't just a writer of forgotten children's stories. The Twyford Code has great power, and he isn't the only one trying to solve it...