The Apothecary's Daughter

Julie Klassen

Lilly Haswell remembers everything — whether she wants to, or not...As Lilly toils in her father's apothecary shop, preparing herbs and remedies by rote, she is haunted by memories of her mother's dis...isappearance. Villagers whisper the tale, but her father refuses to discuss it. All the while, she dreams of the world beyond—of travel and adventure and romance.When a relative offers to host her in London, Lilly discovers the pleasures and pitfalls of fashionable society and suitors, as well as clues about her mother. But will Lilly find what she is searching for—the truth of the past and a love for the future?

Sumár recenzie
Lilly Haswellová po náhlom odchode matky musela prebrať jej povinnosti v lekárni. Žije v malej dedinke bez veľkej konkurencie. Keď jej prídu navštíviť tetka a ujo z Londýna, začne túžiť po novom živote. V románe Lekárnikova dcéra autorka Julie Klassenová rozpráva príbeh o mladej žene, ktorá sa snaží presadiť v mužskom svete. Ženy sa dnes vieľkou mierou dokážu presadiť, no nie všetkým je to ľahké.

Lilly Haswell remembers everything — whether she wants to, or not...

As Lilly toils in her father's apothecary shop, preparing herbs and remedies by rote, she is haunted by memories of her mother's disappearance. Villagers whisper the tale, but her father refuses to discuss it. All the while, she dreams of the world beyond—of travel and adventure and romance.

When a relative offers to host her in London, Lilly discovers the pleasures and pitfalls of fashionable society and suitors, as well as clues about her mother. But will Lilly find what she is searching for—the truth of the past and a love for the future?