Where the Dark Stands Still

A.B. Poranek
McElderry Books • 2024

Raised in a small village near the spirit-wood, Liska Radost knows that Magic is monstrous, and its practitioners, monsters. After Liska unleashes her own powers with devastating consequences, she is ...caught by the demon warden of the wood – the Leszy – who offers her a bargain: one year of servitude in exchange for a wish. Whisked away to his crumbling manor, Liska soon discovers the sinister roots of their bargain. And if she wants to survive the year and return home, she must unravel her host’s spool of secrets and face the ghosts of his past. Those who enter the wood do not always return…

Sumár recenzie
Liska Radostová sa nechtiac prebudí svoju vlastnú magickú silu a uzavrie dohodu s démonom Lešijom, aby jej splnil želanie nájsť kvet papradia. Táto temná fantasy sa odohráva v začarovanom lese plnom diabolských bytostí a tajomstiev, kde Liska musí čeliť démonovej minulosti a zistiť, čo sa stalo jej predchodcom. Príbeh sa sústredí na slovanskú mytológiu a atmosféru temného lesa, čo prispieva k pútavému čítaniu. Romantická chémia medzi Liskou a Lešijom sa pomaly vyvíja a pridáva do príbehu zaujímavý rozmer. Autorka nezabúda ani na akciu a napäté situácie, čím udržuje dej svižným a čitateľa pútavým až do záverečných stránok.

Raised in a small village near the spirit-wood, Liska Radost knows that Magic is monstrous, and its practitioners, monsters. After Liska unleashes her own powers with devastating consequences, she is caught by the demon warden of the wood – the Leszy – who offers her a bargain: one year of servitude in exchange for a wish.

Whisked away to his crumbling manor, Liska soon discovers the sinister roots of their bargain. And if she wants to survive the year and return home, she must unravel her host’s spool of secrets and face the ghosts of his past.

Those who enter the wood do not always return…