The Taken Ones (Steinbeck and Reed, #1)

Jess Lourey
Thomas & Mercer • 2023

Two girls vanished. A woman buried alive. Between two crimes—decades of secrets yet to be unearthed.Summer 1980: With no fear of a local superstition, three girls go into a Minnesota wood. Only one co...comes out. Dead silent. Memory gone. No trace of her friends. The mystery of the Taken Ones captures the nation.Summer 2022: Cold case detective Van Reed and forensic scientist Harry Steinbeck are assigned a disturbing homicide—a woman buried alive, clutching a heart charm necklace belonging to one of the vanished girls. Van follows her gut. Harry trusts in facts. Their common ground is the need to catch a killer before he kills again. They have something else in common: each has ties to the original case in ways they’re reluctant to share.As Van and Harry connect the crimes of the past and the present, Van struggles with memories of her own nightmarish childhood—and the fear that uncovering the truth of the Taken Ones will lead her down a path from which she, too, may never return.

Sumár recenzie
Kniha Unesené od Jess Lourney ma milovníčky detektívok nadchla. Hlavná postava Van Reedová sa vydáva vyriešiť záhadu unesených dievčat. Autorka postupne odhaľuje prostredie vyšetrovania pomocou krátkych kapitol. Unikátna zápletkárskych handier a napínavé zvraty robia z príbehu zaujímavú sériu detektívok.

Autor: Jess LoureyOriginálny názov: The Taken OnesVydavateľstvo: Grada/Cosmopolis 2024Séria: Steinbeck and Reed Diel:  1/2Počet strán: 328Žáner:  detektívkaMoje hodnotenie knihy: 3*/5*Moje hodnotenie obálky: 3*/5*Anotácia:Do lesa vojdú tri, no vráti sa len jedna. Nespomína si na nič, ani na osud ostatných. Polícia je celkom bezradná. O štyridsaťdva rokov neskôr však jednu z nich nájdu.[...]

Sumár recenzie
Kniha Unesené je prvým dielom krimi série Steinbeck a Reed od americkej autorky Jess Lourey. Vyšetrovateľka Van Reedová a forenzný technik Harry Steinbeck sa spoločne pokúšajú rozlúštiť nevyriešený prípad z roku 1980. Ich synergia a odhodlanie prinášajú nové perspektívy do vyšetrovania. Kniha Unesené od Jess Lourey je kvalitným začiatkom novej série plnej napätia a záhad.

Two girls vanished. A woman buried alive. Between two crimes—decades of secrets yet to be unearthed.

Summer 1980: With no fear of a local superstition, three girls go into a Minnesota wood. Only one comes out. Dead silent. Memory gone. No trace of her friends. The mystery of the Taken Ones captures the nation.

Summer 2022: Cold case detective Van Reed and forensic scientist Harry Steinbeck are assigned a disturbing homicide—a woman buried alive, clutching a heart charm necklace belonging to one of the vanished girls. Van follows her gut. Harry trusts in facts. Their common ground is the need to catch a killer before he kills again. They have something else in common: each has ties to the original case in ways they’re reluctant to share.

As Van and Harry connect the crimes of the past and the present, Van struggles with memories of her own nightmarish childhood—and the fear that uncovering the truth of the Taken Ones will lead her down a path from which she, too, may never return.