The Murder Wheel (A Spector Locked-Room Mystery, #2)

Tom Mead

In London, 1938, young and idealistic lawyer Edmund Ibbs is trying to find any shred of evidence that his client Carla Dean wasn’t the one who shot her husband dead at the top of a Ferris Wheel. But t... the deeper he digs, the more complex the case becomes, and Edmund soon finds himself drawn into a nightmarish web of conspiracy and murder. Before long he himself is implicated in not one but two seemingly impossible crimes.First, a corpse appears out of thin air during a performance by famed illusionist “Professor Paolini” in front of a packed auditorium at the Pomegranate Theatre. Then a second victim is shot dead in a locked dressing room along one of the theatre’s winding backstage corridors. Edmund is in exactly the wrong place at the wrong time, and attracts the suspicion of Scotland Yard inspector George Flint. Luckily, conjuror-turned-detective Joseph Spector is on the scene. Only Spector’s uniquely logical perspective can pierce the veil of deceit in a world of illusion and misdirection, where seeing is not always believing.Tom Mead continues to pay homage to the locked room mysteries of the Golden Age in this second Joseph Spector novel.

Sumár recenzie
V lunaparku vo Vrážednom kolese na divadelnom predstavení sa odohrávajú záhadné vraždy, ktoré musí vyriesiť mladý právnik Edmund Ibbs, ktorý sa ocitol v podozrení. Inšpektor Flint ho považuje za hlavného podozrivého, a preto sa Ibbs obracia na kúzelníka Josepha Spectora, aby mu pomohol s riešením neuveriteľne zamotanej série vrážd. Pri čítaní knihy sa postavy postupne spájajú do logického celku a vyvrcholenie príbehu si vyžaduje premýšľanie. Autor Tom Mead v knihe skvele stvárnil riešenie zložitých záhad s minimalistickým prístupom k popisu postáv.

Sumár recenzie
Vražedné koleso (Recenzia) Tom Mead svojím druhým románom, Vražedné koleso, etabloval ako majstra záhady zamknutej miestnosti s tromi prepojenými vraždami plnými nečakaných zvratov. Hlavnou postavou je mladý ambiciózny právnik a amatérsky kúzelník Edmund Ibbs, ktorý sa nechtiac zaplietol do sérii bizarných vrážd v Londýne 1938. Pomocou deduktívnych schopností kúzelníka na dôchodku Josepha Spectora sa snažia rozlúsknuť zamotaný prípad. Celý príbeh je plný záhad, klamstiev a zločinných konšpirácií, s rafinovaným záverom, ktorý vás nechá prekvapených.

In London, 1938, young and idealistic lawyer Edmund Ibbs is trying to find any shred of evidence that his client Carla Dean wasn’t the one who shot her husband dead at the top of a Ferris Wheel. But the deeper he digs, the more complex the case becomes, and Edmund soon finds himself drawn into a nightmarish web of conspiracy and murder. Before long he himself is implicated in not one but two seemingly impossible crimes.

First, a corpse appears out of thin air during a performance by famed illusionist “Professor Paolini” in front of a packed auditorium at the Pomegranate Theatre. Then a second victim is shot dead in a locked dressing room along one of the theatre’s winding backstage corridors. Edmund is in exactly the wrong place at the wrong time, and attracts the suspicion of Scotland Yard inspector George Flint. Luckily, conjuror-turned-detective Joseph Spector is on the scene. Only Spector’s uniquely logical perspective can pierce the veil of deceit in a world of illusion and misdirection, where seeing is not always believing.

Tom Mead continues to pay homage to the locked room mysteries of the Golden Age in this second Joseph Spector novel.