Immortality: A Love Story (The Anatomy Duology, #2)

Dana Schwartz
• 2023

Hazel Sinnett is alone and half convinced the events of the year before—the immortality, Beecham’s vial—were a figment of her imagination. She doesn’t even know if Jack is alive or dead. All she can r...he can really do now is treat patients and maintain Hawthornden Castle as it starts to decay around her.When saving a life leads to her arrest, Hazel seems doomed to rot in prison until a message intervenes: Hazel has been specifically requested to be the personal physician of Princess Charlotte, the sickly granddaughter of King George III. Soon Hazel is dragged into the glamour and romance of a court where everyone has something to hide, especially the enigmatic, brilliant members of a social club known as the Companions to the Death. As Hazel’s work entangles her more and more with the British court, she realizes that her own future as a surgeon isn't the only thing at stake for her. Malicious forces are at work in the monarchy, and Hazel may be the only one capable of setting things right.

Sumár recenzie
Nesmrtelnost: Příběh lásky je druhý díl knižní série The Anatomy Duology, který kombinuje žánry young adult, historické, horor a romance. Hlavní hrdinka Hazel Sinnettová se ocitá v komplikovaných situáciách a bojuje s vlastní osamělostí a nejistotami ohledně lásky a života. Příběh nabízí napínavý zvrat, postavy plné tajemství a dobrodružství na dvoře, přičemž autorka nevynechává ani historický kontext.

Sumár recenzie
Osamelá Hazel Sinnettová sa ocitá v pasci neistoty ohľadom minuloročných udalostí a nevie, či jej milovaný Jack Currer je skutočne mŕtvy alebo živý. V kráľovskej linke príbehu sa stretáva s nebezpečnými silami, no jedine ona má silu s nimi bojovať. Medzitým sa zmýšľa nad láskou k Simonovi von Ferrisovi a spomienkami na Jacka, čím vytvára napätie.

Hazel Sinnett is alone and half convinced the events of the year before—the immortality, Beecham’s vial—were a figment of her imagination. She doesn’t even know if Jack is alive or dead. All she can really do now is treat patients and maintain Hawthornden Castle as it starts to decay around her.

When saving a life leads to her arrest, Hazel seems doomed to rot in prison until a message intervenes: Hazel has been specifically requested to be the personal physician of Princess Charlotte, the sickly granddaughter of King George III. Soon Hazel is dragged into the glamour and romance of a court where everyone has something to hide, especially the enigmatic, brilliant members of a social club known as the Companions to the Death.

As Hazel’s work entangles her more and more with the British court, she realizes that her own future as a surgeon isn't the only thing at stake for her. Malicious forces are at work in the monarchy, and Hazel may be the only one capable of setting things right.