Learned Optimism: How to Change Your Mind and Your Life

Martin E.P. Seligman

Known as the father of the new science of positive psychology, Martin E.P. Seligman draws on more than twenty years of clinical research to demonstrate how optimism enchances the quality of life, and ...how anyone can learn to practice it. Offering many simple techniques, Dr. Seligman explains how to break an “I—give-up” habit, develop a more constructive explanatory style for interpreting your behavior, and experience the benefits of a more positive interior dialogue. These skills can help break up depression, boost your immune system, better develop your potential, and make you happier.. With generous additional advice on how to encourage optimistic behavior at school, at work and in children, Learned Optimism is both profound and practical–and valuable for every phase of life.

Sumár recenzie
Významným psychológom je Pán Seligman, ktorý rozpracoval pozitívnu psychológiu a ukázal, že optimizmus sa dá naučiť. Podľa neho je dôležitý spôsob, akým komunikujeme sami so sebou v ťažkých situáciách. Kniha Naučený optimizmus prináša náhľad na problematiku zaujímavým spôsobom a ponúka vedecký podklad pre svoje tvrdenia. Seligman zdôrazňuje, že mieru nášho optimizmu ovplyvňuje štýl našej vnútornej reči. Dôležité je, či sa nadobudnutý optimismus prejavuje v našich myšlienkach a reakciách. Kniha tiež obsahuje testy a zrozumiteľný jazyk, čo z nej robí obohacujúce dielo v súčasnosti.

Known as the father of the new science of positive psychology, Martin E.P. Seligman draws on more than twenty years of clinical research to demonstrate how optimism enchances the quality of life, and how anyone can learn to practice it. Offering many simple techniques, Dr. Seligman explains how to break an “I—give-up” habit, develop a more constructive explanatory style for interpreting your behavior, and experience the benefits of a more positive interior dialogue. These skills can help break up depression, boost your immune system, better develop your potential, and make you happier.. With generous additional advice on how to encourage optimistic behavior at school, at work and in children, Learned Optimism is both profound and practical–and valuable for every phase of life.