The Cat Who Liked Rain

Henning Mankell
Andersen • 2008

This is the story of young Lucas who gets a most precious present for his birthday, a black kitten which he calls Night. Lucas becomes very attached to Night but one day Lucas comes home from school a...nd discovers that his beloved cat has disappeared. He is desperate and no one is able to console him. He searches for Night everywhere and doesn't stop hoping for his return. It's only sometime later that Night appears in his dreams and tells him that he had to leave to see the world, just as Lucas will do one day when he has grown up.A wise, gentle and moving story unlike anything Mankell has ever written.

☆☆a 1/2☆ Autor: Henning MankellNázev: Kocourek, který měl rád děšťNakladatelství: Portál  Rok vydání: 2017Počet stran: 112No, čekala jsem něco jiného.Já vám nějak nevím. Mám z toho trochu rozpačité pocity. Většinou, když dočtu dětskou knihu, tak z nich mám takový teplý "ňuňu" pocit, ale tady to nenastalo. Po přečtení anotace jsem si říkala (asi jsem byla morbidní), že knížka bude dětem[...]

This is the story of young Lucas who gets a most precious present for his birthday, a black kitten which he calls Night. Lucas becomes very attached to Night but one day Lucas comes home from school and discovers that his beloved cat has disappeared. He is desperate and no one is able to console him. He searches for Night everywhere and doesn't stop hoping for his return. It's only sometime later that Night appears in his dreams and tells him that he had to leave to see the world, just as Lucas will do one day when he has grown up.

A wise, gentle and moving story unlike anything Mankell has ever written.