Us Against You (Beartown, #2)

Fredrik Backman (Neil Smith)
Atria Books • 2018

After everything that the citizens of Beartown have gone through, they are struck yet another blow when they hear that their beloved local hockey team will soon be disbanded. What makes it worse is th...e obvious satisfaction that all the former Beartown players, who now play for a rival team in Hed, take in that fact. Amidst the mounting tension between the two rivals, a surprising newcomer is handpicked to be Beartown’s new hockey coach.Soon a new team starts to take shape around Amat, the fastest player you’ll ever see; Benji, the intense lone wolf; and Vidar, a born-to-be-bad troublemaker. But bringing this team together proves to be a challenge as old bonds are broken, new ones are formed, and the enmity with Hed grows more and more acute.As the big match approaches, the not-so-innocent pranks and incidents between the communities pile up and their mutual contempt grows deeper. By the time the last game is finally played, a resident of Beartown will be dead, and the people of both towns will be forced to wonder if, after all they’ve been through, the game they love can ever return to something simple and innocent.

Backman to znovu dokázal! Znovu mi ukradol srdce a vrátil ho zlomené. My verzus vy je pokračovanie knihy Medveďovce, o ktorých som vám už písala. Medveďovce bola krásna kniha a úprimne som si nedokázala poriadne predstaviť pokračovanie. To však neznamená, že som si ho nechcela prečítať, len som do čítania išla s miernym odstupom, aby som neostala sklamaná. Veď pokračovanie je málokedy také[...]

Knihy ikar novinka recenzia

Dnes vychádza už 5. kniha od Fredrika Backmana. Je to typ autora, ktorý píše tak svojsky, že ak si obľúbite jeho štýl, zavďačí sa vám čímkoľvek, čo napíše. Preto veľmi… Prečítať The post Fredrik Backman: Medveďovce + My verzus vy appeared first on Blog o knihách.

Audioknihy Knihy

ANOTACE: Je tak snadné přimět lidi k nenávisti, až je nepochopitelné, že se vůbec navzájem snášejí. Volné pokračování románu Medvědín. Román My proti vám vypráví o měsících následujících po událostech, které otřásly Medvědínem v předešlé knize. Nejlepší kamarádky Maya a Ana tráví léto na odlehlém ostrově a snaží se nechat celý svět za sebou, ale nic [...] The post Fredrik Backman – My proti[...]

After everything that the citizens of Beartown have gone through, they are struck yet another blow when they hear that their beloved local hockey team will soon be disbanded. What makes it worse is the obvious satisfaction that all the former Beartown players, who now play for a rival team in Hed, take in that fact. Amidst the mounting tension between the two rivals, a surprising newcomer is handpicked to be Beartown’s new hockey coach.

Soon a new team starts to take shape around Amat, the fastest player you’ll ever see; Benji, the intense lone wolf; and Vidar, a born-to-be-bad troublemaker. But bringing this team together proves to be a challenge as old bonds are broken, new ones are formed, and the enmity with Hed grows more and more acute.

As the big match approaches, the not-so-innocent pranks and incidents between the communities pile up and their mutual contempt grows deeper. By the time the last game is finally played, a resident of Beartown will be dead, and the people of both towns will be forced to wonder if, after all they’ve been through, the game they love can ever return to something simple and innocent.