I Am N: Inspiring Stories of Christians Facing Islamic Extremists

The Voice of the Martyrs
David C Cook • 2016

Yousef, whose mother threatened to kill him for having a Bible, now smuggles Bibles the way his family once smuggled drugs.After Parveen’s employer beats her for attending church, Parveen begins to he...help other young Christian women who work in Muslim houses. Abdulmasi kills hundreds of Christians in northern Nigeria with no remorse—until the day he chooses a new life of faith and sacrifices everything for a God of love. What can we learn from these faith-filled brothers and sisters around the world? How can we pray for them? And what do their remarkable stories teach us about a God whose light shines in a dark world?I Am N reminds us that we are each “N”—as radical Muslims in Iraq identify followers of Jesus the Nazarene. Wherever we live, we have camaraderie with those who are persecuted. So come meet their families. Read their stories. Deepen your faith in a God who gives us the courage to shine in a dark and hurting world.

  • Počet strán: 304 strán
  • ISBN13:9781434709875
  • Ďalšie vydania: Ja som n

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Kniha s tak trochu tajomným názvom Ja som N upútala moju pozornosť hneď ako som ju zbadal na pulte v kníhkupectve. Nekúpil som si ju, ale moja myseľ sa k nej stále vracala so zvedavosťou. O čom môže asi byť táto kniha s trochu provokujúcim názvom a podtitulom Hlas mučeníkov? A akoby mi niekto čítal myšlienky, Read more...

Yousef, whose mother threatened to kill him for having a Bible, now smuggles Bibles the way his family once smuggled drugs.
After Parveen’s employer beats her for attending church, Parveen begins to help other young Christian women who work in Muslim houses.
Abdulmasi kills hundreds of Christians in northern Nigeria with no remorse—until the day he chooses a new life of faith and sacrifices everything for a God of love.

What can we learn from these faith-filled brothers and sisters around the world? How can we pray for them? And what do their remarkable stories teach us about a God whose light shines in a dark world?

I Am N reminds us that we are each “N”—as radical Muslims in Iraq identify followers of Jesus the Nazarene. Wherever we live, we have camaraderie with those who are persecuted. So come meet their families. Read their stories. Deepen your faith in a God who gives us the courage to shine in a dark and hurting world.