Winterkill (Winterkill, #1)

Kate A. Boorman
Harry N. Abrams • 2014

Where Emmeline lives, you cannot love and you cannot leave...The Council's rules are strict, but they're for the good of the settlement in which Emmeline lives. Everyone knows there is nothing but dan...ger the other side of the Wall, and the community must prepare for the freezing winterkill that comes every year.But Emmeline struggles to be obedient under the Council's suffocating embrace - especially when she discovers that a Council leader intends to snatch her hand in marriage.Then Emmeline begins to hear the call of the trees beyond the Wall...

Smrtná zima mě zaujala hned, jak jsem ji uviděl poprvé. Zcela nekriticky a povrchně jsem dal na první dojem a na její líbivou tvářičku, protože vyfocený les na obálce vypadá přesně tak, jak si já představuji tajemný a něco skrývající les. Přesně takový les mám totiž uvnitř sebe já. Teď, na rozhraní podzimu a zimy, se mi v hlavě zvedá myšlenková studená mlha a straší příchodem dlouhé a ledové[...]

Where Emmeline lives, you cannot love and you cannot leave...

The Council's rules are strict, but they're for the good of the settlement in which Emmeline lives. Everyone knows there is nothing but danger the other side of the Wall, and the community must prepare for the freezing winterkill that comes every year.

But Emmeline struggles to be obedient under the Council's suffocating embrace - especially when she discovers that a Council leader intends to snatch her hand in marriage.

Then Emmeline begins to hear the call of the trees beyond the Wall...