Grief is the Thing with Feathers

Max Porter
Faber & Faber • 2015

In a London flat, two young boys face the unbearable sadness of their mother's sudden death. Their father, a Ted Hughes scholar and scruffy romantic, imagines a future of well-meaning visitors and emp...tiness.In this moment of despair they are visited by Crow - antagonist, trickster, healer, babysitter. This self-described sentimental bird is attracted to the grieving family and threatens to stay until they no longer need him. As weeks turn to months and physical pain of loss gives way to memories, this little unit of three begin to heal.In this extraordinary debut - part novella, part polyphonic fable, part essay on grief, Max Porter's compassion and bravura style combine to dazzling effect. Full of unexpected humour and profound emotional truth, Grief is the Thing with Feathers marks the arrival of a thrilling new talent.

“Odídem, až keď ma už nebudeš potrebovať.” Názov: Smútok je tvor s krídlami Autor: Max Porter Rok vydania v originálnom jazyku: 2015 Žáner: fikcia, psychologické, súčasné Séria: Diel: “Duchovia nestrašia, vracajú sa naspäť.” Príbeh o otcovi, ktorý stratil manželku a o dvoch malých chlapcoch, ktorí stratili mamu. Príbeh o vrane, ktorá symbolizuje čo len chcete. … Čítať ďalej Smútok je tvor[...]

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In a London flat, two young boys face the unbearable sadness of their mother's sudden death. Their father, a Ted Hughes scholar and scruffy romantic, imagines a future of well-meaning visitors and emptiness.

In this moment of despair they are visited by Crow - antagonist, trickster, healer, babysitter. This self-described sentimental bird is attracted to the grieving family and threatens to stay until they no longer need him. As weeks turn to months and physical pain of loss gives way to memories, this little unit of three begin to heal.

In this extraordinary debut - part novella, part polyphonic fable, part essay on grief, Max Porter's compassion and bravura style combine to dazzling effect. Full of unexpected humour and profound emotional truth, Grief is the Thing with Feathers marks the arrival of a thrilling new talent.