The Night Stalker (Detective Erika Foster, #2)

Robert Bryndza
Bookouture • 2016

If the Night Stalker is watching, you’re already dead… In the dead of a swelteringly hot summer’s night, Detective Erika Foster is called to a murder scene. The victim, a doctor, is found suffocated i...ated in bed. His wrists are bound and his eyes bulging through a clear plastic bag tied tight over his head. A few days later, another victim is found dead, in exactly the same circumstances. As Erika and her team start digging deeper, they discover a calculated serial killer – stalking their victims before choosing the right moment to strike. The victims are all single men, with very private lives. Why are their pasts shrouded in secrecy? And what links them to the killer? As a heat wave descends upon London, Erika will do everything to stop the Night Stalker before the body count rises, even if it means risking her job. But the victims might not be the only ones being watched… Erika’s own life could be on the line.

AUTOR: Robert Bryndza NÁZOV: Nočný lov (The Night Stalker) VYDAVATEĽSTVO: Cosmopolis (Boukouture) ROK VYDANIA: 2018 (2016) POČET STRÁN: 432 PREKLAD: Jana Krupková Jednej horúcej júnovej noci je detektív šéfinšpektor Erika Fosterová privolaná k brutálnej vražde. Obeť, vážený praktický lekár, je nájdený vo svojej posteli udusený. Zápästia má zviazané a oči vypúlené pod priesvitným[...]

Recenzie detektívka

Po skvelej detektívke Dívka v ledu napísal Robert Bryndza ďalšiu knihu s názvom Noční lov. Opäť sa stretávame s detektív šéfinšpektorkou Erikou Fosterovou, ktorá je privolaná k brutálnej vražde praktického lekára. Bol nájdený na posteli so zviazanými zápästiami a s priehľadným vreckom na hlave. Onedlho vrah rovnakým spôsobom zabije ďalšiu obeť a vo svojom besnení nemieni prestať. Monstrem se[...]

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Po bestselleri Dívka v ledu prichádza nakladateľstvo Cosmopolis, súčasť Nakladateľského domu GRADA, s druhým príbehom autora Roberta Bryndzu. V thrilleri Noční lov, ktorý sa odohráva počas jedného horúceho leta v Londýne, čelí obľúbená vyšetrovateľka Erika Fosterová ďalšej nebezpečnej výzve. Ak vám z Dívky v ledu išiel mráz po chrbte, z Nočního lovu vás bude oblievať pot… Pokud tě někdo[...]

If the Night Stalker is watching, you’re already dead…

In the dead of a swelteringly hot summer’s night, Detective Erika Foster is called to a murder scene. The victim, a doctor, is found suffocated in bed. His wrists are bound and his eyes bulging through a clear plastic bag tied tight over his head.

A few days later, another victim is found dead, in exactly the same circumstances. As Erika and her team start digging deeper, they discover a calculated serial killer – stalking their victims before choosing the right moment to strike.

The victims are all single men, with very private lives. Why are their pasts shrouded in secrecy? And what links them to the killer?

As a heat wave descends upon London, Erika will do everything to stop the Night Stalker before the body count rises, even if it means risking her job. But the victims might not be the only ones being watched… Erika’s own life could be on the line.