Holding Up the Universe

Jennifer Niven

Everyone thinks they know Libby Strout, the girl once dubbed "America's Fattest Teen." But no one's taken the time to look past her weight to get to know who she really is. Following her mom's death, ...she's been picking up the pieces in the privacy of her home, dealing with her heartbroken father and her own grief. Now, Libby's ready: for high school, for new friends, for love, and for every possibility life has to offer. In that moment, I know the part I want to play here at MVB High. I want to be the girl who can do anything. Everyone thinks they know Jack Masselin, too. Yes, he's got swagger, but he's also mastered the impossible art of giving people what they want, of fitting in. What no one knows is that Jack has a newly acquired secret: he can't recognize faces. Even his own brothers are strangers to him. He's the guy who can re-engineer and rebuild anything, but he can't understand what's going on with the inner workings of his brain. So he tells himself to play it cool: Be charming. Be hilarious. Don't get too close to anyone.Until he meets Libby. When the two get tangled up in a cruel high school game—which lands them in group counseling and community service—Libby and Jack are both pissed, and then surprised. Because the more time they spend together, the less alone they feel. Because sometimes when you meet someone, it changes the world, theirs and yours.

Zvýraznený článok YOLi Recenzie

Raz možno aj tebe niekto prevráti svet naruby Hoci som už staršia, bez hanby priznávam, že ma vydavateľstvo YOLi chytilo. Vždy sa teším, keď vydajú novú knihu a nedočkavo čakám na ďalšie a ďalšie, hlavne tie romantické. Veď kto by si rád nepripomenul prvé lásky, trapasy, či nezhody v kamarátstve? O čom je teda Vesmír na pleciach?

Jennifer Niven romantické súčasné young adult

Si potrebný. Si jedinečný. Si chcený. Názov: Holding Up the Universe Autor: Jennifer Niven Rok vydania v originálnom jazyku: 2016 Žáner: romantické, YA, súčasné Séria: Diel: “We’re all weird and damaged in our own way.” Príbeh dievčaťa s “tučnou” minulosťou a chlapca, pre ktorého je každý cudzinec. Libby po niekoľkých rokoch nastupuje naspäť na strednú … Čítať ďalej Holding Up the Universe[...]

Jennifer Nivenová 1 Young Adult

Z anglického originálu- Holding Up the UniverseŽáner-  YAPreklad- Klára Kruteková Séria- /Počet strán- 392Väzba- mäkká väzba Rok vydania- 2017Vydavateľstvo- IkarČítané- august 2017Viac informácií o titule nájdete na tomto odkaze.Čítaj ďalej...:)

Človek si nemôže vybrať, aký sa narodí. Nemôže si zvoliť farbu svojej pleti, telo, rodinné pomery, ani či svoj život prežije v zdraví alebo v chorobe. Libby Stroutová a Jack Masselin sú napohľad úplne rozdielni tínedžeri. Zatiaľ čo Libby má problémy s nadváhou, každý sa jej v škole smeje a pred niekoľkými rokmi ju vyhlásili za najtučnejšiu tínedžerku sveta, Jack nemá s prestížou[...]

Everyone thinks they know Libby Strout, the girl once dubbed "America's Fattest Teen." But no one's taken the time to look past her weight to get to know who she really is. Following her mom's death, she's been picking up the pieces in the privacy of her home, dealing with her heartbroken father and her own grief. Now, Libby's ready: for high school, for new friends, for love, and for every possibility life has to offer. In that moment, I know the part I want to play here at MVB High. I want to be the girl who can do anything. 

Everyone thinks they know Jack Masselin, too. Yes, he's got swagger, but he's also mastered the impossible art of giving people what they want, of fitting in. What no one knows is that Jack has a newly acquired secret: he can't recognize faces. Even his own brothers are strangers to him. He's the guy who can re-engineer and rebuild anything, but he can't understand what's going on with the inner workings of his brain. So he tells himself to play it cool: Be charming. Be hilarious. Don't get too close to anyone.

Until he meets Libby. When the two get tangled up in a cruel high school game—which lands them in group counseling and community service—Libby and Jack are both pissed, and then surprised. Because the more time they spend together, the less alone they feel. Because sometimes when you meet someone, it changes the world, theirs and yours.