10 Blind Dates

Ashley Elston

Would you let your family play matchmaker to help you get over a broken heart? Ashley Elston's 10 Blind Dates is the perfect Christmas treat: delicious, warm, funny, escapist YA romance. Sophie wants ...one thing for Christmas - time with her boyfriend Griffin. So when her parents plan a trip to visit her sister over the holiday, Sophie begs to be left behind with her grandparents and her boisterous extended family.But she and Griffin break up and she's devastated. Sophie's grandmother, hating to see her so upset, devises a (not so) brilliant plan - to distract her from heartbreak. Over the next ten days, different family members will set Sophie up on ten different blind dates, which doesn't sound awkward at all... When Griffin turns up unexpectedly, it makes Sophie more confused than ever.Because maybe, just maybe, she's started to have feelings for someone else. Someone who is definitely not available. Film rights have been bought by Matt Kaplan and Ace Antertainment, the team behind hit Netflix YA movie Jenny Han's To All The Boys I've Loved Before.Everything Everything screenwriter J. Mills Goodloe is attached to adapt the screenplay.

  • Počet strán: 336 strán
  • ISBN13:9781529032086
  • Originálny názov: 10 Blind Dates

Bol rozchod to najhoršie alebo to najlepšie, čo sa jej mohlo stať? Najlepšie predsviatočné čítanie pre fanúšičky Kasie Westovej a Mirky Varáčkovej!   Sophie dostane krátko pred Vianocami kopačky od frajera. A akčná stará mama má riešenie vždy poruke – pripraví pre Sophie desať rande naslepo. Či sa vydá na kúl párty s pekným vysokoškolákom, alebo s krpatým prvákom pózovať do živého[...]

V rámci spoločného čítania sme s Michelle, Sue a Barborou v januári prečítali obľúbenú vianočnú YA contemporary oddychovku od Ashley Elston 10 Blind Dates (alebo v slovenčine Mojich 10 rande naslepo) - a vôbec sa nám nepáčila. V nasledujúcom liste sa pokúsime vám i samotnej knihe objasniť naše dôvody. Milá kniha, na začiatok si vyjasnime, že som ťa chcela mať rada. Celý internet básnil o[...]

Autor: Ashley Elston Originálny názov: 10 Blind Dates Vydavateľstvo: CooBoo 2020 Séria: -Diel:  - Počet strán: 296 Žáner:  romance, YA Moje hodnotenie knihy: 5*/5* Moje hodnotenie obálky: 3*/5* Anotácia: Sophie dostane krátko pred Vianocami kopačky od frajera, a tak sa rozhodne utiecť so zlomeným srdcom k svojim starým rodičom. A akčná stará mama má riešenie vždy poruke – na[...]

Ashley Elston | Mojich 10 rande na slepo | 304 strán | CooBoo | Goodreads | Martinus | Preškoly Prvá veta: „Určite nepôjdeš s nami?“ Mala som náladu na nejakú dobrú a vtipnú oddychovku, takže keď som uvidela, že knižka Mojich 10 rande na slepo je pre všetkých fanúšikov Kasie West, voľba bola jasná.Hlavnou postavou príbehu je Sophie, ktorá túži stráviť vianočné sviatky so svojím[...]

Would you let your family play matchmaker to help you get over a broken heart? Ashley Elston's 10 Blind Dates is the perfect Christmas treat: delicious, warm, funny, escapist YA romance. Sophie wants one thing for Christmas - time with her boyfriend Griffin. So when her parents plan a trip to visit her sister over the holiday, Sophie begs to be left behind with her grandparents and her boisterous extended family.But she and Griffin break up and she's devastated. Sophie's grandmother, hating to see her so upset, devises a (not so) brilliant plan - to distract her from heartbreak. Over the next ten days, different family members will set Sophie up on ten different blind dates, which doesn't sound awkward at all... When Griffin turns up unexpectedly, it makes Sophie more confused than ever.Because maybe, just maybe, she's started to have feelings for someone else. Someone who is definitely not available. Film rights have been bought by Matt Kaplan and Ace Antertainment, the team behind hit Netflix YA movie Jenny Han's To All The Boys I've Loved Before.Everything Everything screenwriter J. Mills Goodloe is attached to adapt the screenplay.

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