The Girl on the Cliff

Lucinda Riley
Penguin • 2011

Could a secret from 1914 end a century of heartache?A tiny figure stands at the cliff edge - hair flying in the breeze. Grania Ryan is hypnotised by the enchanting vision, unaware this young girl, Aur...ora Lisle, will change her life in countless ways. For Grania is suffering and has returned to Ireland and the arms of her loving family, in the hope her wounds might heal.As their paths begin to entwine, Grania's mother becomes deeply troubled … because almost a century of entanglement has brought nothing but terrible tragedy to their two families.The past is set to repeat its sorrows. A suitcase hidden in the attic of a magnificent house in London during the First World War is where it all began, but could it now hold the key to ending the heartbreak that has beset the Lisles and the Ryans for so long?

Lucinda Rileyová pokračuje v úspešnom ťažení na pôde prekladovej literatúry. Vydavateľstvo Tatran nelení a popri už klasickej sérii Sedem sestier priebežne teší čitateľov aj samostatnými románmi z pera uznávanej autorky. Naposledy sme nahliadli do Motýlej izby, teraz máme možnosť spoznať Dievča na útese. Ako naznačuje aj famózna obálka, znova nás čaká tajomný, dramatický príbeh plný záhad z[...]

Žáner: romancaVydavateľstvo: TatranPočet strán: 368Väzba: pevná s prebalomOriginálny názov: The Girl on the Cliff Anotácia: Dievča na útese je príbehom troch generácií žien, ich lások. aj strát, obetí. Tento príbeh rozpráva o pohnutej láske, balete, bohatstve, chudobe a osirelých deťoch. Odohráva sa na viacerých miestach. Zavedie nás do Londýna v čase vojny, pochmúrneho a nebezpečného, do[...]

Dievča na útese Lucinda Riley Za knihu ďakujem vydavateľstvu Tatran ♥ Tajomstvo ukryté v kôpke zažltnutých listov a v starom kufri na povale. Mladá sochárka Grania Ryanová žije v New Yorku v harmonickom vzťahu s priateľom Mattom až do chvíle, keď príde o dieťa a ich spolužitie sa ocitne v kríze. V panike odchádza k rodičom do Írska a pokúša sa usporiadať si myšlienky a city. Na[...]

Could a secret from 1914 end a century of heartache?

A tiny figure stands at the cliff edge - hair flying in the breeze. Grania Ryan is hypnotised by the enchanting vision, unaware this young girl, Aurora Lisle, will change her life in countless ways. For Grania is suffering and has returned to Ireland and the arms of her loving family, in the hope her wounds might heal.

As their paths begin to entwine, Grania's mother becomes deeply troubled … because almost a century of entanglement has brought nothing but terrible tragedy to their two families.

The past is set to repeat its sorrows. A suitcase hidden in the attic of a magnificent house in London during the First World War is where it all began, but could it now hold the key to ending the heartbreak that has beset the Lisles and the Ryans for so long?