Did I Mention I Miss You? (DIMILY, #3)

Estelle Maskame

It’s been a year since Eden last spoke to Tyler. She remains furious at him for leaving her and has moved on with life in Chicago, where she is at University studying psychology. As school breaks up f... for the summer, she heads back to Santa Monica, but she’s not the only one with that idea…Despite their break-up and Tyler’s abrupt departure last summer, is there something Tyler is keeping from Eden? Are they both as over each other as they thought, and could Eden even begin to forgive Tyler?In Did I Mention I Miss You?, the explosive finale to Estelle Maskame’s phenomenal DIMILY trilogy, can Tyler and Eden finally work things out, against all the odds?

Žáner: YA, romantická Vydavateľstvo: CooBoo Séria: DIMILY Diel: #3 Počet strán: 312 strán Väzba: brožovaná väzba Originálny názov: Did I Mention I Miss You?Anotácia:Prešiel už rok odvtedy, čo Eden naposledy hovorila s Tylerom. Rok, odkedy vyšli s pravdou von, oznámili svoj vzťah rodine a on ju potom úplne nepochopiteľne opustil. Štúdium a noví priatelia v Chicagu ju priviedli na iné[...]

Majú šancu na happy end? Strhujúci tretí diel bestsellerovej série, ktorá sa vo Veľkej Británii zaradila do rebríčka piatich najlepších young adult kníh všetkých čias. Prešiel už rok odvtedy, čo Eden naposledy hovorila s Tylerom. Rok, odkedy vyšli s pravdou von, oznámili svoj vzťah rodine a on ju potom úplne nepochopiteľne opustil. Štúdium v Chicagu ju priviedlo na iné myšlienky a pomohlo[...]

Trilógia DIMILY bola ohlasovaná - a stále je charakterizovaná - ako jedna z piatich najlepších young adult kníh všetkých čias. Uznajte, je ťažké odolať a nepresvedčiť sa o tom na vlastné oči. Musím povedať, že séria Estelle Maskame mi naozaj utkvie v pamäti. Avšak nie pre svoje kvality, ale preto, že sa z nej stalo moje najväčšie guilty pleasure. Srdcervúci príbeh (teda aspoň na pohľad)[...]

It’s been a year since Eden last spoke to Tyler. She remains furious at him for leaving her and has moved on with life in Chicago, where she is at University studying psychology. As school breaks up for the summer, she heads back to Santa Monica, but she’s not the only one with that idea…

Despite their break-up and Tyler’s abrupt departure last summer, is there something Tyler is keeping from Eden? Are they both as over each other as they thought, and could Eden even begin to forgive Tyler?

In Did I Mention I Miss You?, the explosive finale to Estelle Maskame’s phenomenal DIMILY trilogy, can Tyler and Eden finally work things out, against all the odds?