
Alice Munro

The incomparable Alice Munro’s bestselling and rapturously acclaimed Runaway is a book of extraordinary stories about love and its infinite betrayals and surprises, from the title story about a young ...g woman who, though she thinks she wants to, is incapable of leaving her husband, to three stories about a woman named Juliet and the emotions that complicate the luster of her intimate relationships. In Munro’s hands, the people she writes about–women of all ages and circumstances, and their friends, lovers, parents, and children–become as vivid as our own neighbors. It is her miraculous gift to make these stories as real and unforgettable as our own. (back cover)RunawayChanceSoonSilencePassionTrespassesTricks

  • Počet strán: 335 strán
  • ISBN13:9781400077915
  • Ďalšie vydania: Na úteku

AUTOR: Alice Munro NÁZOV: Na úteku (Runaway) VYDAVATEĽSTVO: Zelený kocúr (Vintage Books) ROK VYDANIA: 2018 (2005) POČET STRÁN: 368 PREKLAD: Vladislav Gális Poviedky o láske a jej zradách a prekvapeniach.  Ženy každého veku a v rôznych životných situáciách, ich priatelia, milenci, rodičia a deti... všetci ľudia, o ktorých Alice Munroová píše, v jej rukách ožívajú. Má vzácny dar –[...]

Na úteku – Alice Munroová, Zelený kocúr 2018 Kanadská spisovateľka Alice Munroová na Slovensku nie je príliš známa, hoci jej [...] The post Na úteku – Alice Munroová appeared first on .

Alice Munro je kanadská spisovateľka známa svojimi brilantnými poviedkami. V roku 2013 získala Nobelovu cenu za literatúru a kritika ju často prirovnáva k A. P. Čechovovi. Kniha Na úteku pozostáva z 8 poviedok, pričom každá je v rozsahu okolo 40 – 50 strán. Hlavnými hrdinkami sú ženy každého veku zobrazené v rôznych životných situáciách. Nejde o vyslovene romantické príbehy, aj keď láska[...]

The incomparable Alice Munro’s bestselling and rapturously acclaimed Runaway is a book of extraordinary stories about love and its infinite betrayals and surprises, from the title story about a young woman who, though she thinks she wants to, is incapable of leaving her husband, to three stories about a woman named Juliet and the emotions that complicate the luster of her intimate relationships. In Munro’s hands, the people she writes about–women of all ages and circumstances, and their friends, lovers, parents, and children–become as vivid as our own neighbors. It is her miraculous gift to make these stories as real and unforgettable as our own.
(back cover)






