We Shouldn't

Vi Keeland
• 2019

Bennett Fox walked into my life on one hell of a crappy Monday morning.I was late for the first day at my new job—a job I’d now have to compete for even though I’d already worked eight years to earn i...earn it, because of an unexpected merger. While I lugged my belongings up to my new office, a meter maid wrote me a parking summons.She’d ticketed a long line of cars—except for the Audi parked in front of me, which happened to be the same make and model as mine.Annoyed, I decided to regift my ticket to the car that had evaded a fine. Chances were, the owner would pay it and be none the wiser.Except, I accidentally broke the windshield wiper while slipping the ticket onto the car’s window.Seriously, my day couldn’t get any worse. Things started to perk up when I ran into a gorgeous man in the elevator. We had one of those brief moments that only happened in movies. You know the deal…your body lights up, fireworks go off, and the air around you crackles with electricity. His heated stare left me flush when I stepped off the elevator. Maybe things here wouldn’t be so bad after all. Or so I thought.Until I walked into my new boss’s office and met my competition.The gorgeous man from the elevator was now my nemesis. His heated stare wasn’t because of any mutual attraction. It was because he’d seen me vandalize his car. And now he couldn’t wait to annihilate his rival. There’s a fine line between love and hate—and we shouldn’t cross it. We shouldn’t—but straddling that line could be so much fun.

Žánru New Adult prichádzam čoraz viac na chuť, preto mi kolegyňa odporučila novinku od Vi Keelandovej s názvom Nemali by sme. Po dvoch sériách z univerzitného prostredia som teda siahla po niečom vekovo mne bližšom. Nemali by si spolu začínať, naozaj by nemali Annalise osem rokov tvrdo pracovala, aby sa stala kreatívnou riaditeľkou v reklamnej Čítaj ďalej The post Nemali by sme (Vi Keeland)[...]

Žáner: NAVydavateľstvo: IkarPočet strán: 376Väzba: pevnáOriginálny názov: We Shouldn'tAnotácia:Bennett Fox mi do života vstúpil v jedno nepríjemné pondelkové ráno. Meškala som v prvý deň do práce – do novej práce, o ktorú som mala teraz pre nečakanú fúziu bojovať. Na upevnení svojej pozície vo firme som pritom drela osem rokov. Kým som si sťahovala veci do nových priestorov, za stieračom[...]

Annalise je inteligentná, kreatívna mladá žena, ktorá tvrdo drie, aby niečo dokázala. Bennett je sexi workoholik, ktorý je presvedčený, že žiadna mu neodolá. Teraz stoja proti sebe. Annalise a Bennett musia zabojovať o jedno miesto. Nezačali dobre, pretože Bennett vie,... The post Vi Keeland prichádza s novinkou Nemali by sme. Romantický príbeh o tom, že zakázané ovocie chutí najlepšie[...]

Bennett Fox walked into my life on one hell of a crappy Monday morning.

I was late for the first day at my new job—a job I’d now have to compete for even though I’d already worked eight years to earn it, because of an unexpected merger.

While I lugged my belongings up to my new office, a meter maid wrote me a parking summons.

She’d ticketed a long line of cars—except for the Audi parked in front of me, which happened to be the same make and model as mine.

Annoyed, I decided to regift my ticket to the car that had evaded a fine. Chances were, the owner would pay it and be none the wiser.

Except, I accidentally broke the windshield wiper while slipping the ticket onto the car’s window.

Seriously, my day couldn’t get any worse.

Things started to perk up when I ran into a gorgeous man in the elevator. We had one of those brief moments that only happened in movies.

You know the deal…your body lights up, fireworks go off, and the air around you crackles with electricity.

His heated stare left me flush when I stepped off the elevator.

Maybe things here wouldn’t be so bad after all.

Or so I thought.

Until I walked into my new boss’s office and met my competition.

The gorgeous man from the elevator was now my nemesis. His heated stare wasn’t because of any mutual attraction. It was because he’d seen me vandalize his car. And now he couldn’t wait to annihilate his rival.

There’s a fine line between love and hate—and we shouldn’t cross it.

We shouldn’t—but straddling that line could be so much fun.