The Butterfly Room

Lucinda Riley

Posy Montague is approaching her seventieth birthday. Still living in her beautiful family home, Admiral House, set in the glorious Suffolk countryside where she spent her own idyllic childhood butterflies with her beloved father, and raised her own children, Posy knows she must make an agonising decision. Despite the memories the house holds, and the exquisite garden she has spent twenty-five years creating, the house is crumbling around her, and Posy knows the time has come to sell it.Then a face appears from the past - Freddie, her first love, who abandoned her and left her heartbroken fifty years ago. Already struggling to cope with her son Sam’s inept business dealings, and the sudden reappearance of her younger son Nick after ten years in Australia, Posy is reluctant to trust in Freddie’s renewed affection. And unbeknown to Posy, Freddie - and Admiral House - have a devastating secret to reveal . . . Full of her trademark mix of unforgettable characters and heart-breaking secrets, The Butterfly Room is the new spellbinding, multi-generational story from Sunday Times bestseller Lucinda Riley.

Sumár recenzie
Text sa zameriava na historický román s prvkami romancie. Hlavná postava, Posy Montagueová, sa rozhoduje predať rodinné sídlo a v tomto zhone ju prekvapivo navštívi jej prvá láska Freddie. Posy sa zmietajú v protichodných pocitoch a musí sa vyrovnať s rodinnými problémami. Postupne sa odhalujú tajomstvá a čitatelia sa dozvedajú pravdu o minulosti a prítomnosti postáv. Celkový príbeh nezaujal autorku, nakoľko mu chýbala iskra a dejová linka minulosti nepôsobila dojmom. Vyvrcholenie príbehu autorku neoslovilo, považuje ho za prekombinované a nevhodne zlúčené.

Lucinda Rileyová žne momentálne úspech svojou romanticko-historickou sériou Sedem sestier, no popri nej si odskočila k inému rozpísanému románu. A mňa veľmi teší, že vydavateľstvo Tatran ho prinieslo aj slovenským čitateľom. Ako som už totiž spomínal v inej recenzii, s autorkou sú spojené moje rané čitateľské skúsenosti, keď ešte písala pod dievčenským menom Lucinda Edmonds. Motýlia izba[...]

Motýlia izba Lucinda Riley Za knihu ďakujem vydavateľstvu Tatran Posy Montagueová prežila idylické detstvo v starobylom rodinnom sídle v Suffolku, kde spolu s milovaným otcom chytala na lúkach motýle a neskôr tu vychovala aj vlastné deti. Teraz sa blíži k sedemdesiatke a stojí pred najťažším rozhodnutím svojho života. Napriek tomu, že každý kút vily Admirál je plný krásnych[...]

Autorka Lucinda Riley sa medzi slovenskými čitateľkami dostala do povedomia aj vďaka senzačnej sérii Sedem sestier. Tri knihy, ktoré už vyšli v Tatrane, som vám recenzovala. Teraz vyšla ďalšia samostatná kniha s názvom Motýlia izba. Séria Sedem sestier ma uchvátila, preto som bola zvedavá aj na túto novinku. Posy má takmer sedemdesiat rokov. Žije v … Čítať ďalej Motýlia izba (Lucinda Rileyová)

Posy Montague is approaching her seventieth birthday. Still living in her beautiful family home, Admiral House, set in the glorious Suffolk countryside where she spent her own idyllic childhood catching butterflies with her beloved father, and raised her own children, Posy knows she must make an agonising decision. Despite the memories the house holds, and the exquisite garden she has spent twenty-five years creating, the house is crumbling around her, and Posy knows the time has come to sell it.

Then a face appears from the past - Freddie, her first love, who abandoned her and left her heartbroken fifty years ago. Already struggling to cope with her son Sam’s inept business dealings, and the sudden reappearance of her younger son Nick after ten years in Australia, Posy is reluctant to trust in Freddie’s renewed affection. And unbeknown to Posy, Freddie - and Admiral House - have a devastating secret to reveal . . .

Full of her trademark mix of unforgettable characters and heart-breaking secrets, The Butterfly Room is the new spellbinding, multi-generational story from Sunday Times bestseller Lucinda Riley.