Dear Edward

Ann Napolitano
Dial Press • 2020

One summer morning, twelve-year-old Edward Adler, his beloved older brother, his parents, and 183 other passengers board a flight in Newark headed for Los Angeles. Among them is a Wall Street wunderki...nd, a young woman coming to terms with an unexpected pregnancy, an injured vet returning from Afghanistan, a septuagenarian business tycoon, and a free-spirited woman running away from her controlling husband. And then, tragically, the plane crashes. Edward is the sole survivor.Edward's story captures the attention of the nation, but he struggles to find a place for himself in a world without his family. He continues to feel that a piece of him has been left in the sky, forever tied to the plane and all of his fellow passengers. But then he makes an unexpected discovery--one that will lead him to the answers of some of life's most profound questions: When you've lost everything, how do find yourself? How do you discover your purpose? What does it mean not just to survive, but to truly live?An alternative cover edition for this ISBN can be found here.

  • Počet strán: 340 strán
  • ISBN13:9781984854780
  • Ďalšie vydania: Milý Edward

Boli milujúcou rodinou. Nič im nechýbalo. Nie vždy boli dokonalí, no dokázali spolu vychádzať bez väčších problémov. No cesta za novým domovom im kruto zobrala život. Došlo k havárii lietadla. Prežil len jeden z nich – dvanásťročný Edward, ktorý sa stal napokon aj jediným živým z toho letu.Väčšina podobných kníh sa sústreďuje na situácie pred katastrofou. Milý Edward je však výnimočný[...]

Milý Edward vo mne vyvolal po prečítaní anotácie rozporuplné pocity. Javil sa mi ako príbeh o nádeji, uvedomení si správnych hodnôt a nájdení si miesta vo svete, čo býva prísľubom kvalitného čítania. Na druhej strane je východiskom havária lietadla a prežitie chlapca na pomedzí detstva a puberty, to už ma v nadšení mierne ubrzdilo. Tragické príbehy o smrti a traumách nie sú mojou šálkou[...]

Pri čítaní sa snažím striedať žánre . Po skvelom psychologickom trileri som sa rozhodla siahnuť po niečom miernejšom. Dúfala som, že práve taká bude kniha od Ann Napolitano s názvom Milý Edward. Dvanásťročný Edward sa sťahuje spolu so svojou rodinou z New Yorku do L.A. Čaká ich šesť hodinový let pod číslom 2977. Lietadlo sa po niekoľkých … Čítať ďalej Milý Edward (Ann Napolitano)

One summer morning, twelve-year-old Edward Adler, his beloved older brother, his parents, and 183 other passengers board a flight in Newark headed for Los Angeles. Among them is a Wall Street wunderkind, a young woman coming to terms with an unexpected pregnancy, an injured vet returning from Afghanistan, a septuagenarian business tycoon, and a free-spirited woman running away from her controlling husband. And then, tragically, the plane crashes. Edward is the sole survivor.

Edward's story captures the attention of the nation, but he struggles to find a place for himself in a world without his family. He continues to feel that a piece of him has been left in the sky, forever tied to the plane and all of his fellow passengers. But then he makes an unexpected discovery--one that will lead him to the answers of some of life's most profound questions: When you've lost everything, how do find yourself? How do you discover your purpose? What does it mean not just to survive, but to truly live?

An alternative cover edition for this ISBN can be found here.