
Jennifer L. Armentrout

The "Lux" series continues with the third installment of this riveting paranormal YA series. No one is like Daemon Black. When he set out to prove his feelings for Katy, he wasn't fooling around. Doub...ting him isn't something she'll do again and now that they've made it through the rough patches, well, there's a lot of spontaneous combustion going on. But even he can't protect his family from the danger of trying to free those they loved. With help coming from the most unlikely source and Adam's death still lingering with those who loved him, friends will become the deadliest of enemies and the villains will no longer be clear. When each step they take in discovering the truth puts them in the path of the secret organization responsible torturing and testing hybrids, the more Katy realizes there is no end to what she's capable of. They won't turn back, even if the outcome will shatter their worlds forever.

  • Počet strán: 452 strán
  • ISBN13:9781620610091
  • Ďalšie vydania: Opál
  • Séria: Lux (EN)

 Čo všetko sú ochotní risknúť? NIKTO NIE JE AKO DAEMON BLACK Keď sa rozhodol, že mi svoje city dokáže, netrepal len tak do vetra. Už o ňom nepochybujem. Podarilo sa nám zdolať ťažké obdobie, no spontánne sa objavujú ďalšie prekážky. Ani on však nedokáže ochrániť svojich blízkych pred nebezpečenstvom, ktoré ich čaká, ak sa pokúsia vyslobodiť milovaných. Po tom všetkom už nie som rovnaká[...]

AUTOR: Jennifer L. Armentrout NÁZOV: Opál (Opal) VYDAVATEĽSTVO: Zelený kocúr (Entangled Publishing) ROK VYDANIA: 2020 (2012) POČET STRÁN: 388 PREKLAD: Terézia Michalková Nikto nie je ako Daemon Black. Keď sa rozhodol, že mi svoje city dokáže, netrepal len tak do vetra. Už o ňom nepochybujem. Podarilo sa nám zdolať ťažké obdobie, no spontánne sa objavujú ďalšie prekážky. Ani on[...]

Ahojte! Úprimne už občas ani neviem ako začať novú recenziu, lebo tak často sa vrátim po dlhej dobe, že to vždy začína rovnako. V každom prípade, včera sa mi podarilo vyvrtnúť členok a nakoľko nemám reálne na výber a som svojim spôsobom ,,nútená“ sedieť za počítačom, rozhodla som sa dobehnúť resty a konečne vám porozprávať o knihách, ktoré som za posledné týždne či dokonca mesiace[...]

The "Lux" series continues with the third installment of this riveting paranormal YA series. No one is like Daemon Black. When he set out to prove his feelings for Katy, he wasn't fooling around. Doubting him isn't something she'll do again and now that they've made it through the rough patches, well, there's a lot of spontaneous combustion going on. But even he can't protect his family from the danger of trying to free those they loved. With help coming from the most unlikely source and Adam's death still lingering with those who loved him, friends will become the deadliest of enemies and the villains will no longer be clear. When each step they take in discovering the truth puts them in the path of the secret organization responsible torturing and testing hybrids, the more Katy realizes there is no end to what she's capable of. They won't turn back, even if the outcome will shatter their worlds forever.

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