With This Pledge (Carnton, #1)

Tamera Alexander
Thomas Nelson • 2019

On the night of November 30, 1864, a brutal battle in Franklin, Tennessee, all but decimates the Confederacy and nearly kills Captain Roland Ward Jones. A decorated Mississippi sharpshooter, Jones has... a vision on the battlefield and, despite the severity of his wounds, believes his life will be spared. But a life without his leg, he can't abide. He compels Elizabeth "Lizzie" Clouston—governess to the McGavock family at the Carnton mansion—to intervene should the surgeon decide to amputate. True to her word, Lizzie speaks on his behalf and saves not only the captain's leg but also his life.When a fourteen-year-old soldier dies in Lizzie's arms that night, the boy's final words, whispered with urgency, demand that Lizzie deliver them to their intended recipient. But all she has is the boy's first name. And, as she soon discovers, there's no record of him ever having enlisted. How can she set out alone across a land so divided by war and hatred to honor her pledge? Even more, does she dare accept Captain Jones's offer to accompany her? As he convalesces at Carnton, romance has blossomed between him and Lizzie—a woman already betrothed to a man she does not love.

Koľko toho človek unesie, kým sa čosi v jeho vnútri zlomí? Pane, nestvoril si nás na to, aby sme si robili niečo takéto. (Prísaha: Tamera Alexanderová; Preklad: Zuzana Venglíková) Večer, 30. novembra 1864, sa pri Frankline v štáte Tennessee odohrá ukrutná bitka, ktorá zdecimuje konfederačnú armádu a takmer pripraví o život kapitána Rolanda Warda Jonesa, vyznamenaného mississippského[...]

Tamera Alexanderová je americká spisovateľka, ktorá pevne zapustila korene aj na slovenskom knižnom trhu. Vydavateľstvo i527.net prináša už tretiu sériu z pera tejto uznávanej autorky a rovnako ako predtým v nej načrela do pohnutých dejín občianskej vojny Severu proti Juhu. No zatiaľ čo v predošlých tituloch sa zameriavala skôr na dôsledky bojov, Príbehy z Carntonu tnú priamo do živého.[...]

Príbehy z Carntonu Tamera Alexanderová je známa tým, že v jej knihách sa čitatelia dozvedia aj mnoho faktov z histórie, ktoré vie votkať do neobyčajných príbehov. Román Prísaha je jedným z nich a rozpráva príbeh o vojne Severu proti Juhu z roku 1864, ktorý sa[...] Príspevok Prísaha zobrazený najskôr knihomoľka.sk.

On the night of November 30, 1864, a brutal battle in Franklin, Tennessee, all but decimates the Confederacy and nearly kills Captain Roland Ward Jones. A decorated Mississippi sharpshooter, Jones has a vision on the battlefield and, despite the severity of his wounds, believes his life will be spared. But a life without his leg, he can't abide. He compels Elizabeth "Lizzie" Clouston—governess to the McGavock family at the Carnton mansion—to intervene should the surgeon decide to amputate. True to her word, Lizzie speaks on his behalf and saves not only the captain's leg but also his life.

When a fourteen-year-old soldier dies in Lizzie's arms that night, the boy's final words, whispered with urgency, demand that Lizzie deliver them to their intended recipient. But all she has is the boy's first name. And, as she soon discovers, there's no record of him ever having enlisted. How can she set out alone across a land so divided by war and hatred to honor her pledge? Even more, does she dare accept Captain Jones's offer to accompany her? As he convalesces at Carnton, romance has blossomed between him and Lizzie—a woman already betrothed to a man she does not love.