With this Pledge

Tamera Alexander

Elizabeth "Lizzie" Clouston's quietly held principles oppose those of the Southern Cause-but when forty thousand soldiers converge on the fields of Franklin, Tennessee, the war demands an answer. The ...Carnton home where she is governess is converted into a Confederate field hospital, and Lizzie is called upon to assist the military doctor with surgeries that determine life or death. Faced with the unimaginable, she must summon fortitude, even as she fears for the life of Towny, her fiance and lifelong friend. As a young soldier lies dying in Lizzie's arms, she vows to relay his final words to his mother, but knows little more than the boy's first name. That same night, decorated Mississippi sharpshooter Captain Roland Ward Jones extracts a different promise from Lizzie: that she intervene should the surgeon decide to amputate his leg. Lizzie is nothing if not a woman of her word, earning the soldiers' respect as she tends to the wounded within Carnton's walls. None is more admiring than Captain Jones, who doesn't realize she is pledged to another. But as Lizzie's heart softens toward the Confederate captain, she discovers that his moral ground is at odds with her own. Now torn between love, principles, and promises made, she struggles to be true to her heart while standing for what she knows is right-no matter the cost. From the pages of history and the personal accounts of those who endured the Battle of Franklin, Tamera Alexander weaves the real-life love letters between Captain Roland Ward Jones and Miss Elizabeth Clouston into a story of unlikely romance first kindled amid the shadows of war.

Koľko toho človek unesie, kým sa čosi v jeho vnútri zlomí? Pane, nestvoril si nás na to, aby sme si robili niečo takéto. (Prísaha: Tamera Alexanderová; Preklad: Zuzana Venglíková) Večer, 30. novembra 1864, sa pri Frankline v štáte Tennessee odohrá ukrutná bitka, ktorá zdecimuje konfederačnú armádu a takmer pripraví o život kapitána Rolanda Warda Jonesa, vyznamenaného mississippského[...]

Tamera Alexanderová je americká spisovateľka, ktorá pevne zapustila korene aj na slovenskom knižnom trhu. Vydavateľstvo i527.net prináša už tretiu sériu z pera tejto uznávanej autorky a rovnako ako predtým v nej načrela do pohnutých dejín občianskej vojny Severu proti Juhu. No zatiaľ čo v predošlých tituloch sa zameriavala skôr na dôsledky bojov, Príbehy z Carntonu tnú priamo do živého.[...]

Príbehy z Carntonu Tamera Alexanderová je známa tým, že v jej knihách sa čitatelia dozvedia aj mnoho faktov z histórie, ktoré vie votkať do neobyčajných príbehov. Román Prísaha je jedným z nich a rozpráva príbeh o vojne Severu proti Juhu z roku 1864, ktorý sa[...] Príspevok Prísaha zobrazený najskôr knihomoľka.sk.

Elizabeth "Lizzie" Clouston's quietly held principles oppose those of the Southern Cause-but when forty thousand soldiers converge on the fields of Franklin, Tennessee, the war demands an answer. The Carnton home where she is governess is converted into a Confederate field hospital, and Lizzie is called upon to assist the military doctor with surgeries that determine life or death. Faced with the unimaginable, she must summon fortitude, even as she fears for the life of Towny, her fiance and lifelong friend. As a young soldier lies dying in Lizzie's arms, she vows to relay his final words to his mother, but knows little more than the boy's first name. That same night, decorated Mississippi sharpshooter Captain Roland Ward Jones extracts a different promise from Lizzie: that she intervene should the surgeon decide to amputate his leg. Lizzie is nothing if not a woman of her word, earning the soldiers' respect as she tends to the wounded within Carnton's walls. None is more admiring than Captain Jones, who doesn't realize she is pledged to another. But as Lizzie's heart softens toward the Confederate captain, she discovers that his moral ground is at odds with her own. Now torn between love, principles, and promises made, she struggles to be true to her heart while standing for what she knows is right-no matter the cost. From the pages of history and the personal accounts of those who endured the Battle of Franklin, Tamera Alexander weaves the real-life love letters between Captain Roland Ward Jones and Miss Elizabeth Clouston into a story of unlikely romance first kindled amid the shadows of war.

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