The Night Olivia Fell

Christina McDonald
Gallery Books • 2019

In the vein of Big Little Lies and Reconstructing Amelia comes an emotionally charged domestic suspense novel about a mother unraveling the truth behind how her daughter became brain dead. And pregnan...t.A search for the truth. A lifetime of lies.In the small hours of the morning, Abi Knight is startled awake by the phone call no mother ever wants to get: her teenage daughter Olivia has fallen off a bridge. Not only is Olivia brain dead, she’s pregnant and must remain on life support to keep her baby alive. And then Abi sees the angry bruises circling Olivia’s wrists.When the police unexpectedly rule Olivia’s fall an accident, Abi decides to find out what really happened that night. Heartbroken and grieving, she unravels the threads of her daughter’s life. Was Olivia’s fall an accident? Or something far more sinister?Christina McDonald weaves a suspenseful and heartwrenching tale of hidden relationships, devastating lies, and the power of a mother’s love. With flashbacks of Olivia’s own resolve to uncover family secrets, this taut and emotional novel asks: how well do you know your children? And how well do they know you?

VYDAVATEĽSTVO: Slovenský spisovateľ ORIGINÁLNY NÁZOV: The Night Olivia Fell PREKLAD: Veronika Maťúšová ROK VYDANIA: 2020 ŽÁNER: Triler POČET STRÁN: 360 VÄZBA: pevná   “Chrbtom som dopadla na hladinu rieky, pred očami sa mi zjavili vežičky mosta, osvetlené blikajúcou pouličnou lampou. ... The post RECENZIA: Christina McDonald – Noc, keď som spadla appeared first on Prečítané.sk.

Román Noc, keď som spadla je klasickým trilerom s britským nádychom. To znamená, že v centre je bežný človek, ktorý sa ocitne v ťažkej životnej situácii. V tomto prípade je to nešťastná matka zisťujúca, čo stálo za pádom jej dcéry Olivie z mosta. Dôraz pritom nie je kladený na stupňujúce sa napätie a pátranie po nebezpečnom vrahovi, ale na postupné odhaľovanie stôp vedúcich k pravde. Gradácia[...]

Fakt, že vydavateľstvo Slovenský spisovateľ nevydáva iba slovenských autorov, snáď už všetci vieme. Ja väčšinou siahnem po trileroch a zatiaľ ani jeden nesklamal. Naposledy som čítala knihu Noc, keď som spadla od Christine McDonald a rada vám o nej teraz napíšem. Abi Knightová sa v noci zobudí na zvonenie telefónu. Nočný telefonát obráti jej život naruby. Jej sedemnásťročná dcéra … Čítať[...]

McDonaldová napísala príbeh, ktorý sa číta sám a nebudete ho vedieť odložiť. Je to intenzívne čítanie, plné prekvapení a zvratov, ktoré ste nečakali. Toto napätie dokázala navyše vyvážiť množstvom lásky a nehy, ktorá existuje medzi rodičmi a svojimi deťmi. Pri čítaní vám pukne srdce... The post Bola to nehoda? Triler Noc, keď som spadla preverí (nielen) silu materinskej lásky appeared first[...]

In the vein of Big Little Lies and Reconstructing Amelia comes an emotionally charged domestic suspense novel about a mother unraveling the truth behind how her daughter became brain dead. And pregnant.

A search for the truth. A lifetime of lies.

In the small hours of the morning, Abi Knight is startled awake by the phone call no mother ever wants to get: her teenage daughter Olivia has fallen off a bridge. Not only is Olivia brain dead, she’s pregnant and must remain on life support to keep her baby alive. And then Abi sees the angry bruises circling Olivia’s wrists.

When the police unexpectedly rule Olivia’s fall an accident, Abi decides to find out what really happened that night. Heartbroken and grieving, she unravels the threads of her daughter’s life. Was Olivia’s fall an accident? Or something far more sinister?

Christina McDonald weaves a suspenseful and heartwrenching tale of hidden relationships, devastating lies, and the power of a mother’s love. With flashbacks of Olivia’s own resolve to uncover family secrets, this taut and emotional novel asks: how well do you know your children? And how well do they know you?