The Brightest Stars (Karina und Kale, #1)

Anna Todd

International bestselling author Anna Todd returns with a gripping novel about a young woman's journey towards love, and the obstacles life throws up at every turn.Karina knows the harsh realities of ...military life. And like anyone who has grown up around an army base, she knows the background noise that follows a soldier home from war. That's why she's forging her own quiet life in her own little house. But she hasn't turned her back on her family. She's the glue that holds them together-when her father is deployed, when her brother, Austin, has another brush with the law.Karina knows that she has to look after herself, that she can't always fix what's broken. But when Austin's behavior worsens and her father's reactions grow more extreme, Karina feels her own edges beginning to fray. That's when she meets him-a closed book she's desperate to open.At just twenty, Kael is a handsome, brooding soldier struggling with the aftermath of two tours in Afghanistan. He's emotionally damaged and closed off. Quiet doesn't begin to describe him. But as Karina gets used to his stable presence, she finds it hard to ignore the way he makes her feel. In their time together, she finds the stillness she has always wanted and never found. She lets down her guard. And she lets herself fill in the blanks about this mysterious man.But illusions quickly made are quickly shattered. That's when Karina has to find her own courage-to untangle the truth from the lies, and decide what she's going to do about it.A riveting story about love and lies, The Brightest Stars will stay with you long after the last page has been turned.

Anna Toddová sa stala veľmi rýchlo pojmom, ktorý poznajú nielen mladí dospelí, ale aj iní, skôr či neskôr narodení čitatelia. Jej séria After nanovo definovala ľúbostné príbehy pre vysokoškolákov na prahu životných zmien a očakávania od ďalších kníh boli, prirodzene, vybičované na maximum. Osobne poznám príbeh Tessy a Hardina len z filmového spracovania, preto som rád siahol po prvej časti[...]

Anna Todd prináša strhujúci príbeh o láske a klamstvách. Príbeh Kariny a bývalého vojaka Kaela je príbehom vyzretejšej lásky, ktorá v sebe skrýva množstvo nevypovedaných právd a bolestí. Podarí sa Karine preniknúť pod tvrdú škrupinu, ktorú si Kael vytvoril, aby... The post Ľúbostný príbeh Najjasnejšie hviezdy od Anny Todd vás zavedie do prostredia vojakov vracajúcich sa z misie v Afganistane[...]

Americkú autorku Annu Todd zrejme najlepšie poznáte ako senzáciu z Wattpadu a autorku úspešnej romantickej série After. Anna však ani po dokončení tejto série neprestala písať. Vo svojej knihe Najjasnejšie hviezdy sa pravdepodobne inšpirovala vlastnými životnými skúsenosťami, keďže je jej manžel vojak a černoch -  rovnako ako hlavný hrdina knihy.  Armádny život je blízky tiež hlavnej[...]

Už 31. augusta vychádza v YOLi novinka od autorky After s názvom Najjasnejšie hviezdy o komplikovanej láske medzi masérkou z vojenského mestečka Karinou a mladým záhadným vojakom Kaelom.  Ja som si knihu mala možnosť prečítať v rámci spolupráce s vydavateľstvom Ikar už skôr a pripravujem aj recenziu. Dnešným príspevkom by som vám však chcela pomôcť s rozhodovaním, či ide o to pravé čítanie[...]

International bestselling author Anna Todd returns with a gripping novel about a young woman's journey towards love, and the obstacles life throws up at every turn.

Karina knows the harsh realities of military life. And like anyone who has grown up around an army base, she knows the background noise that follows a soldier home from war. That's why she's forging her own quiet life in her own little house. But she hasn't turned her back on her family. She's the glue that holds them together-when her father is deployed, when her brother, Austin, has another brush with the law.

Karina knows that she has to look after herself, that she can't always fix what's broken. But when Austin's behavior worsens and her father's reactions grow more extreme, Karina feels her own edges beginning to fray. That's when she meets him-a closed book she's desperate to open.

At just twenty, Kael is a handsome, brooding soldier struggling with the aftermath of two tours in Afghanistan. He's emotionally damaged and closed off. Quiet doesn't begin to describe him. But as Karina gets used to his stable presence, she finds it hard to ignore the way he makes her feel. In their time together, she finds the stillness she has always wanted and never found. She lets down her guard. And she lets herself fill in the blanks about this mysterious man.

But illusions quickly made are quickly shattered. That's when Karina has to find her own courage-to untangle the truth from the lies, and decide what she's going to do about it.

A riveting story about love and lies, The Brightest Stars will stay with you long after the last page has been turned.