The Midnight Rose

Lucinda Riley
Atria Books • 2014

Spanning four generations, The Midnight Rose sweeps from the glittering palaces of the great maharajas of India to the majestic stately homes of England, following the extraordinary life of a remarkab...le girl, Anahita Chaval, from 1911 to the present day . . .In the heyday of the British Raj, eleven-year-old Anahita, from a noble but impoverished family, forms a lifelong friendship with the headstrong Princess Indira, the privileged daughter of Indian royalty. As the princess's official companion, Anahita accompanies her friend to England just before the outbreak of World War I. There, she meets young Donald Astbury—reluctant heir to the magnificent, remote Astbury Estate—and his scheming mother.Ninety years later, Rebecca Bradley, a young American film star, has the world at her feet. But when her turbulent relationship with her equally famous boyfriend takes an unexpected turn, she's relieved that her latest role, playing a 1920s debutante, will take her away from the glare of publicity to a distant corner of the English countryside. Shortly after filming begins at the now-crumbling Astbury Hall, Ari Malik, Anahita's great-grandson, arrives unexpectedly, on a quest for his family's past. What he and Rebecca discover begins to unravel the dark secrets that haunt the Astbury dynasty . . .A multilayered, heartbreaking tale filled with unforgettable characters caught in the sweep of history, The Midnight Rose is Lucinda Riley at her most captivating and unforgettable.

  • Počet strán: 496 strán
  • ISBN13:9781476703572
  • Ďalšie vydania: Polnočná ruža

Za knihu ďakujem vydavateľstvu Tatran ♥Paláce maharadžov, chudobné indické slumy, rozľahlé anglické sídla a hrozba prvej svetovej vojny. Tieto prvky umne utkali príbeh, ktorý sa naprieč oceánmi a generáciami o osemdesiat rokov neskôr stretne s novým svetom v jednom rozpadnutom anglickom sídle plnom zabudnutých tajomstiev. Sága ovíja vaše myšlienky, srdce a dušu a nepustí, kým ju[...]

Vydavateľstvo Tatran sa fanúšikom Lucindy Riley rozhodlo uľahčiť čakanie na očakávanú ôsmu knihu zo série Sedem sestier. Na sklonku rokaContinue Reading

Zimný čas, navyše spojený so sviatočným oddychom, je ako stvorený na epické príbehy so silnými témami, hrdinami a posolstvami. Lucinda Rileyová je osvedčená spisovateľka, ktorú už ani netreba predstavovať, a mnohí si iste našli pod stromčekom niektorý z jej výborných románov. Tie u nás vychádzajú vo vydavateľstve Tatran, a kým spolu s čitateľmi po celom svete netrpezlivo čakáme na záverečný[...]

Žáner: historický románVydavateľstvo: TatranPočet strán: 488Väzba: pevná väzba s prebalomAnotácia:Paláce maharadžov, chudobné indické slumy, rozľahlé anglické sídla a hrozba prvej svetovej vojny. Tieto prvky umne utkali príbeh, ktorý sa naprieč oceánmi a generáciami o osemdesiat rokov neskôr stretne s novým svetom v jednom rozpadnutom anglickom sídle plnom zabudnutých tajomstiev. Sága ovíja[...]

Spanning four generations, The Midnight Rose sweeps from the glittering palaces of the great maharajas of India to the majestic stately homes of England, following the extraordinary life of a remarkable girl, Anahita Chaval, from 1911 to the present day . . .

In the heyday of the British Raj, eleven-year-old Anahita, from a noble but impoverished family, forms a lifelong friendship with the headstrong Princess Indira, the privileged daughter of Indian royalty. As the princess's official companion, Anahita accompanies her friend to England just before the outbreak of World War I. There, she meets young Donald Astbury—reluctant heir to the magnificent, remote Astbury Estate—and his scheming mother.

Ninety years later, Rebecca Bradley, a young American film star, has the world at her feet. But when her turbulent relationship with her equally famous boyfriend takes an unexpected turn, she's relieved that her latest role, playing a 1920s debutante, will take her away from the glare of publicity to a distant corner of the English countryside. Shortly after filming begins at the now-crumbling Astbury Hall, Ari Malik, Anahita's great-grandson, arrives unexpectedly, on a quest for his family's past. What he and Rebecca discover begins to unravel the dark secrets that haunt the Astbury dynasty . . .

A multilayered, heartbreaking tale filled with unforgettable characters caught in the sweep of history, The Midnight Rose is Lucinda Riley at her most captivating and unforgettable.