Sorcery of Thorns (Sorcery of Thorns, #1)

Margaret Rogerson
• 2019

All sorcerers are evil. Elisabeth has known that as long as she has known anything. Raised as a foundling in one of Austermeer’s Great Libraries, Elisabeth has grown up among the tools of sorcery—magi...magical grimoires that whisper on shelves and rattle beneath iron chains. If provoked, they transform into grotesque monsters of ink and leather. She hopes to become a warden, charged with protecting the kingdom from their power.Then an act of sabotage releases the library’s most dangerous grimoire. Elisabeth’s desperate intervention implicates her in the crime, and she is torn from her home to face justice in the capital. With no one to turn to but her sworn enemy, the sorcerer Nathaniel Thorn, and his mysterious demonic servant, she finds herself entangled in a centuries-old conspiracy. Not only could the Great Libraries go up in flames, but the world along with them.As her alliance with Nathaniel grows stronger, Elisabeth starts to question everything she’s been taught—about sorcerers, about the libraries she loves, even about herself. For Elisabeth has a power she has never guessed, and a future she could never have imagined.

Sumár recenzie
Mágia rodu Thronovcov (Recenzia) od Margaret Rogerson je príbeh plný intríg, nebezpečenstva a lásky, ktorý dokáže čitateľa ihneď vtiahnuť do sveta mágie. Autorke sa podarilo vytvoriť postavy, ktoré sú zaujímavé a dobre rozvinuté, čo prispelo k nadšeniu pri čítaní. Pre fanúšikov fantasy a romantiky je táto kniha jednoznačne nevyhnutným dielom v zbierke.

Sumár recenzie
Elisabeth vyrastá vo veľknižnici, kde sa skrývajú žijúce zväzky - grimoáre, ktoré majú moc sa meniť na zlovestné obludy. Je obvinená z účasti na zločine a musí čeliť čarodejníkom Nathanielovi Thornovi. Jej spojenectvo s ním prináša napätie a nečakané zvraty, ktoré vyvrcholia dramatickým záverom plným akcie. Príbeh je plný mágie, intrigy a dobrodružstva, ktoré určite zaujmú mladších čitateľov.

Sumár recenzie
Dievča sa zaúča za knihovníčku v magickej knižnici so živými knihami, ktoré sa môžu premeniť na bizarné obludy. Nový magický príbeh "Mágia rodu Thornovcov" začína s Elizabeth, ktorá dúfa, že sa stane strážkyňou a ochráni kráľovstvo. V útoku na knižnicu utečie nebezpečný grimoár a Elizabeth sa ocitne v sprisahaní so svojím nepriateľom, čarodejníkom Nathanielom Thornom. Postupne si Elisabeth začne klásť otázky o všetkom, čo poznala, a objaví v sebe skrytú moc a novú budúcnosť.

All sorcerers are evil. Elisabeth has known that as long as she has known anything. Raised as a foundling in one of Austermeer’s Great Libraries, Elisabeth has grown up among the tools of sorcery—magical grimoires that whisper on shelves and rattle beneath iron chains. If provoked, they transform into grotesque monsters of ink and leather. She hopes to become a warden, charged with protecting the kingdom from their power.

Then an act of sabotage releases the library’s most dangerous grimoire. Elisabeth’s desperate intervention implicates her in the crime, and she is torn from her home to face justice in the capital. With no one to turn to but her sworn enemy, the sorcerer Nathaniel Thorn, and his mysterious demonic servant, she finds herself entangled in a centuries-old conspiracy. Not only could the Great Libraries go up in flames, but the world along with them.

As her alliance with Nathaniel grows stronger, Elisabeth starts to question everything she’s been taught—about sorcerers, about the libraries she loves, even about herself. For Elisabeth has a power she has never guessed, and a future she could never have imagined.