Prisoners of Geography, Children's Ed.: Our World Explained in 12 Simple Maps

Tim Marshall

How did the USA become a superpower? Why do people go to war? And why are some countries rich while others are so poor? Find the answers to these questions and many more in this eye-opening book, whic...h uses maps to explain how geography has shaped the history of our world. Discover how the choices of world leaders are swayed by mountains, rivers and seas - and why geography means that history is always repeating itself. This remarkable, unique introduction to world affairs will inspire curious minds everywhere. A stunning abridged and illustrated edition of the international bestseller Prisoners of Geography, by acclaimed author Tim Marshall.

Všade, kde na politickej mape vidieť rovné hranice, znamená to katastrofu. Kolonizátori, ktorí si krajinu takto rozparcelovali, bez ohľadu na to, kde to bolo, ani dobre nepoznali geografiu daných oblastí. Rozdelili si ich preto medzi sebou naslepo, rovnými čiarami. To nemohlo dopadnúť dobre a dodnes sa Blízky Východ a Afrika kvôli nerešpektovaniu prirodzeného etnického a geografického[...]

How did the USA become a superpower? Why do people go to war? And why are some countries rich while others are so poor? Find the answers to these questions and many more in this eye-opening book, which uses maps to explain how geography has shaped the history of our world. Discover how the choices of world leaders are swayed by mountains, rivers and seas - and why geography means that history is always repeating itself. This remarkable, unique introduction to world affairs will inspire curious minds everywhere. A stunning abridged and illustrated edition of the international bestseller Prisoners of Geography, by acclaimed author Tim Marshall.

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