An Uncommon Courtship

Kristi Ann Hunter
Bethany House • 2017

Life for Lady Adelaide Bell was easier if she hid in her older sister's shadow—which worked until her sister got married. Even with thepressure of her socially ambitious mother, the last thing she exp...xpected was a marriage of convenience to save her previously spotless reputation. Lord Trent Hawthorne couldn't be happier that he is not the duke in the family. He's free to manage his small estate and take his time discovering the life he wants to lead, which includes grand plans of wooing and falling in love with the woman of his choice. When he finds himself honor bound to marry a woman he doesn't know, his dream of a marriage like his parents' seems lost forever. Already starting their marriage on shaky ground, can Adelaide and Trent's relationship survive the pressures of London society?

Názov: Nezvyčajné manželstvo (Sága rodu Hawthornovcov)Autorka: Kristi Ann HunterVydavateľstvo: Lord Trent Hawthorne je mladším bratom vojvodu z Rivertonu. Má svoj majetok a celkom presne nevie, čo vlastne v živote chce. Plánuje tiež, že jedného dňa sa zaľúbi do ženy, ktorú si vyberie. Ale jeho zmysel pre česť ho privedie k tomu, že sa ožení so ženou, ktorú takmer nepozná. Sen o[...]

Originál: An Uncommon Courtship (2017) Autor: Kristi Ann Hunter Vydavateľstvo: i527.netPreklad: Jana Hlatká Počet strán: 288Rok vydania: 2018Lord Trent Hawthorne je mladším bratom vojvodu z Rivertonu. Má svoj majetok a celkom presne nevie, čo vlastne v živote chce. Plánuje tiež, že jedného dňa sa zaľúbi do ženy, ktorú si vyberie. Ale jeho zmysel pre česť ho privedie k tomu, že sa ožení[...]

Ak vás chytila jednotka Šľachtická rošáda, očarila dvojka Elegantná pretvárka, určite siahnite aj po novinke Nezvyčajné manželstvo. Je tu 3. diel série Sága rodu Hawthornovcov.   Lord Trent Hawthorne je mladším bratom vojvodu z Rivertonu. Má svoj majetok a celkom presne nevie, čo vlastne v živote chce. Plánuje tiež, že jedného dňa sa zaľúbi do […] The post Dokáže ich nezvyčajné manželstvo[...]

Life for Lady Adelaide Bell was easier if she hid in her older sister's shadow—which worked until her sister got married. Even with thepressure of her socially ambitious mother, the last thing she expected was a marriage of convenience to save her previously spotless reputation. Lord Trent Hawthorne couldn't be happier that he is not the duke in the family. He's free to manage his small estate and take his time discovering the life he wants to lead, which includes grand plans of wooing and falling in love with the woman of his choice. When he finds himself honor bound to marry a woman he doesn't know, his dream of a marriage like his parents' seems lost forever. Already starting their marriage on shaky ground, can Adelaide and Trent's relationship survive the pressures of London society?

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