The Kites

Romain Gary (Miranda Richmond Mouillot)
New Directions • 2017

On a small farm in Normandy, as Hitler rises to power in Germany, young Ludo comes of age in the care of his Uncle Ambrose, an eccentric mailman, kite-maker, and pacifist. Ludo’s quiet existence chang...nges the day he meets Lila, a girl from the aristocratic Polish family who own the estate next door. In a single glance, Ludo instantly falls in love forever; Lila, on the other hand, remains elusive. Thus begins Ludo’s adventure of longing, passion, and steadfast love for Lila, who begins to reciprocate his feelings just as Europe descends into war. After Germany invades Poland, Lila and her family disappear, and Ludo’s journey to save her from the Nazis becomes a journey to save his loved ones, his country, and ultimately himself.Filled with unforgettable characters—an indomitable chef who believes Michelin stars are more enduring than military conquests; a Jewish brothel Madam who reinvents everything about herself during the war; a piano virtuoso turned RAF pilot—The Kites is Romain Gary’s poetic call for resistance in whatever form it takes.

  • Počet strán: 384 strán
  • ISBN13:9780811226547
  • Ďalšie vydania: Šarkany

Román Šarkany je zaujímavým poetickým, pokojne môžem napísať, že už aj historickým románom, keďže jeho dej sa odohráva v prvej polovici 20. storočia. Napísal ho francúzsky spisovateľ Romain Gary, vlastným menom Roman Kacew, a vo Francúzsku vyšiel ešte v roku 1980. Na slovenské vydanie sme si teda museli počkať skoro 40 rokov a trúflo si na to iba malé novovzniknuté vydavateľstvo.

Nové rodinné vydavateľstvo Moniqua prináša v edícií Corneille francúzske knižné tituly, ktoré nie sú doposiaľ u nás príliš známe. Prvá kniha, ktoré vyšla v tejto edícií, má názov Šarkany a pochádza z pera jedného z najvýznamnejších francúzskych autorov menom Romain Gary. Krásna obálka a lákavá anotácia zaujali aj mňa. Rozmýšľal som, čo povedať, pretože vždy sa treba uchýliť k slovám, aby sme[...]

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On a small farm in Normandy, as Hitler rises to power in Germany, young Ludo comes of age in the care of his Uncle Ambrose, an eccentric mailman, kite-maker, and pacifist. Ludo’s quiet existence changes the day he meets Lila, a girl from the aristocratic Polish family who own the estate next door. In a single glance, Ludo instantly falls in love forever; Lila, on the other hand, remains elusive. Thus begins Ludo’s adventure of longing, passion, and steadfast love for Lila, who begins to reciprocate his feelings just as Europe descends into war. After Germany invades Poland, Lila and her family disappear, and Ludo’s journey to save her from the Nazis becomes a journey to save his loved ones, his country, and ultimately himself.

Filled with unforgettable characters—an indomitable chef who believes Michelin stars are more enduring than military conquests; a Jewish brothel Madam who reinvents everything about herself during the war; a piano virtuoso turned RAF pilot—The Kites is Romain Gary’s poetic call for resistance in whatever form it takes.