A Name Unknown

Roseanna M. White
Bethany House • 2017

Rosemary Gresham has no family beyond the band of former urchins that helped her survive as a girl in the mean streets of London. Grown now, they concentrate on stealing high-value items and have lear...ned how to blend into upper-class society. But when Rosemary must determine whether a certain wealthy gentleman is loyal to Britain or to Germany, she is in for the challenge of a lifetime. How does one steal a family's history, their very name? Peter Holstein, given his family's German blood, writes his popular series of adventure novels under a pen name. With European politics boiling and his own neighbors suspicious of him, Peter debates whether it might be best to change his name for good. When Rosemary shows up at his door pretending to be a historian and offering to help him trace his family history, his question might be answered. But as the two work together and Rosemary sees his gracious reaction to his neighbors' scornful attacks, she wonders if her assignment is going down the wrong path. Is it too late to help him prove that he's more than his name?

Anotácia knihy Muž bez mena od Roseanna M. White ma zaujala už na prvý pohľad. Dej odohrávajúci sa v napätom období tesne pred prvou svetovou vojnou, kedy sa samotársky spisovateľ s nemeckým menom snaží dokázať svoju lojalitu Británii, zatiaľ čo The post Muž bez mena (Roseanna M. White) (Tiene nad Anglickom #1) appeared first on Čo čítam.

Originál: A Name Unknown (2017)Autor: Roseanna M. WhiteVydavateľstvo: i527.netPreklad: Eva BubnášováPočet strán: 400Rok vydania: 2019Muž bez mena je názov prvého dielu knihy zo série Tiene nad Anglickom od Roseanny M. Whiteovej. Podmanivý príbeh sa odohráva v období prvej svetovej vojny a je plný histórie, intríg, záhad, ale aj neodmysliteľnej romantiky.Rosemary Greshamová nemá rodinu,[...]

Príbehy z obdobia svetových vojen zažívajú momentálne rozkvet. Ide o udalosti, ktoré si treba pripomínať, aby sme nezabudli a poučili sa z chýb našich predkov. Hrôzy daného obdobia však zrodili z obyčajných ľudí často nečakaných hrdinov, hraničné situácie na pomedzí života a smrti preverili pravý charakter a stali sa námetom mnohých neskorších spracovaní. Medzi autorky, ktoré siahli po[...]

Tiene nad Anglickom 1 Rosmery Greshamová osirela keď bola malá. Aby prežila musela sa z nej stať zlodejka. S pribúdajúcim vekom sa vo svojom povolaní zlepšovala a práve teraz dostala prácu, za ktorú dostane toľko peňazí ako nikdy pred tým. Avšak to, čo má práve[...] Príspevok Muž bez mena zobrazený najskôr knihomoľka.sk.

Rosemary Gresham has no family beyond the band of former urchins that helped her survive as a girl in the mean streets of London. Grown now, they concentrate on stealing high-value items and have learned how to blend into upper-class society. But when Rosemary must determine whether a certain wealthy gentleman is loyal to Britain or to Germany, she is in for the challenge of a lifetime. How does one steal a family's history, their very name? Peter Holstein, given his family's German blood, writes his popular series of adventure novels under a pen name. With European politics boiling and his own neighbors suspicious of him, Peter debates whether it might be best to change his name for good. When Rosemary shows up at his door pretending to be a historian and offering to help him trace his family history, his question might be answered. But as the two work together and Rosemary sees his gracious reaction to his neighbors' scornful attacks, she wonders if her assignment is going down the wrong path. Is it too late to help him prove that he's more than his name?

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