The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse

Charlie Mackesy
Ebury • 2019

A book of hope for uncertain times. The conversations between the four characters in this book - the boy, the mole, the fox and the horse - have been shared thousands of times online, recreated in sch...ool art classes, turned into tattoos, they inspire parents and grandparents, comfort children, cheer people who feel lonely, are grieving, need courage, or a reminder that they are not alone and to keep going when life is hard. Enter the world of Charlie Mackesy's creations, these four unlikely friends, discover their story and their most poignant and universal life lessons.The book includes Charlie's most loved illustrations and new ones too. 'The world needs Charlie's work right now.' Miranda Hart`My hope is that the book goes some way to helping people live more courageously, more honestly and with more love for themselves and others.' Charlie Mackesy

Občas sa medzi preplnenými pultmi kníhkupectiev nájde nenápadný klenot, ktorý predstavuje príjemný protiklad voči senzačným, bombastickým a must-have titulom. A pritom stačí tak málo, aby skutočne zaujal, hoci obsahuje iba minimum textu. Charlie Mackesy je citlivý autor, vyjadrujúci sa skôr obrazmi než slovami, aj keď tie, samozrejme, majú i v jeho podaní primárnu hodnotu. No bez ilustrácií[...]

„Občas počúvaš iba o nenávisti, ale na svete je viac lásky, než si dokážeš predstaviť.“  (Chlapec, krtko, líška a kôň, Charlie Mackesy; ilustrácie: Charlie Mackesy; preklad: Lucia Halová) I keď to málokto pokladal za možné, prišla doba, v ktorej akoby sa zastavil čas a do popredia sa dostávajú iné priority. Je to boj o prežitie a čas zamyslieť sa. Mnohí sa cítia vo svojom boji[...]

Dnes by som vám rada predstavila knihu, do ktorej som sa zamilovala na prvý dotyk a pohľad. Chlapec, krtko, líška a kôň napísal aj zilustroval Charlie Mackesy a ja z celého srdca ďakujem vydavateľstvu Tatran, že takýto knižný skvost priniesli na slovenský trh. Moja rodina a aj priatelia vedia, že mojou najväčšou srdcovkou je kniha Malý princ. Roky hľadám … Čítať ďalej Chlapec, krtko, líška a[...]

A book of hope for uncertain times. The conversations between the four characters in this book - the boy, the mole, the fox and the horse - have been shared thousands of times online, recreated in school art classes, turned into tattoos, they inspire parents and grandparents, comfort children, cheer people who feel lonely, are grieving, need courage, or a reminder that they are not alone and to keep going when life is hard. Enter the world of Charlie Mackesy's creations, these four unlikely friends, discover their story and their most poignant and universal life lessons.The book includes Charlie's most loved illustrations and new ones too. 'The world needs Charlie's work right now.' Miranda Hart`My hope is that the book goes some way to helping people live more courageously, more honestly and with more love for themselves and others.' Charlie Mackesy

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