Dumb witness

Agatha Christie
HarperCollins • 2002

Everyone blamed Emily's accident on a rubber ball left on the stairs by her frisky terrier. But the more she thought about her fall, the more convinced she became that one of her relatives was trying ...to kill her. On April 17th she wrote her suspicions in a letter to Hercule Poirot. Mysteriously he didn't receive the letter until June 28th… by which time Emily was already dead…

AUTOR: Agatha ChristieNÁZOV: Nemý svedok (Dumb Witness)VYDAVATEĽSTVO: Slovenský spisovateľ (HarperCollins)ROK VYDANIA: 2020 (1937)POČET STRÁN: 232PREKLAD: Lenka CinkováPri príležitosti storočnice tvorby legendárnej Agathy Christie a stých „narodenín“ jej nemenej legendárneho hrdinu – geniálneho súkromného detektíva Hercula Poirota – vychádza skvelý detektívny román Nemý svedok v novom[...]

O knihe Keď Emily Arundellová, bohatá stará dáma, spadne zo schodov, všetci ju presviedčajú, že na vine je jej nezbedný foxteriér Bob, ktorý na schodoch nechal gumenú loptičku. Čím dlhšie Emily o svojom páde premýšľa, tým si je istejšia, že niekto... The post Detektívny román Nemý svedok od legendárnej Agathy Christie vychádza v novom vydaní appeared first on Prečítané.sk.

Everyone blamed Emily's accident on a rubber ball left on the stairs by her frisky terrier. But the more she thought about her fall, the more convinced she became that one of her relatives was trying to kill her. On April 17th she wrote her suspicions in a letter to Hercule Poirot. Mysteriously he didn't receive the letter until June 28th… by which time Emily was already dead…

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