First Day of School

Esther Van Den Berg
• 2021

It's Robin's first day at school. He doesn't look forward to it, but he actually ends up having a lot of fun! The children do rope-skipping and craftwork, Robin builds a tower of blocks and he goes to... the toilet all by himself... This large picture book is a sweet rendition of what a little one can expect on the first day of school and being part of his/her new community.

Knihy o škôlke sú veľmi žiadané najmä ku koncu leta. Som rada, že vydavateľstvo Fortuna Libri jednu vydalo už v predstihu. PrvýContinue Reading

It's Robin's first day at school. He doesn't look forward to it, but he actually ends up having a lot of fun! The children do rope-skipping and craftwork, Robin builds a tower of blocks and he goes to the toilet all by himself... This large picture book is a sweet rendition of what a little one can expect on the first day of school and being part of his/her new community.